I have hit a brick wall and can't bounce back

on 4/28/09 1:11 am - RI
I am looking here for some help & guidance..and maybe a little snap out of it....

I am 10 months out and have lost 94lbs...nothing to complain about..but I have been the same since about December!! Give or take the 10-12 lbs I seem to play with but this morning I am exactly the same weigh as December 1st.  I am completely frustrated and can see myself forcing some old bad habits on myself. I am obviously addicted to food and I can seem to fill the void. I tried drinking more, gum, healthy munchies etc.....

I just want to eat until I feel sick!!!  I was having some bad pain in my left side and had a scope scheduled for April 1st. THEN I got awful news..My 38yr old obese cousin died in his sleep. He had severe obstructed sleep apnea and was in awful shape because of his weight. he left a 31yr old wife and 3 yr old son!! I am heartbroken and have been drowning myself with anything and everything I can shove down my throat...Bring back the pain in my side. Dr Roye couldn't figure out why I was having the pain and wanted the test to rule some things out...WELL the bells have gone off the past few weeks...I have been overeating!! I only get the pain after I eat too much!! If I follow the rules I should be living by there is NO pain!!!!! I feel ashamed to go back to him and tell him that that's what it is!!!  I am soooo afraid to go bad to the old , unhappy person I was before BUT I can't shake this awful feeling!!! 

I need some help and I am looking to you guys for support. I have call several therapists but this on does not take my medical, that one only have limited availability, and the other don't have the services I need. Any one have any suggestions. I can't and won't have the last 10 months be for nothing!!

I know everybody falls down....I just need help getting back on my feet!!!

Thanks for listening to my rant and I will be at the RI meeting the 6th!!!

Weight loss since surgury 6/26/08-I Love my Realize band!!

Romeo L.
on 4/28/09 1:21 am - Warren, RI
Jamie hang in there like you said this is a bump in the road you will eventually get over it, keep yourself busy when you feel that urge to eat, no ruin all your hard work, we are all here to support you in any way we can. I am sorry to hear about your loss also.


Johanna !
on 4/28/09 2:31 am - Formerly known as jdcRI, RI
Sorry for your loss.

I think that you should call your ins company and ask them for a list of covered doctors with whatever limitations they have and go from there.  This way you will not be at a dead end when looking for a psych doctor.  Does your ins company have a hotline where you can call for help? sometimes they have programs where you can talk to someone over the phone to help you get through the tough times.  I would cll and see what they have available.

The fact that you posted this tells me you are very serious about what is going on and that you will not allow this to make or break you.  You are ready to move forward and that is a good thing!!

Good luck to you - and remeber you are already headed in the right direction.
on 4/28/09 6:37 am - RI
Does your company have an EAP program that could give you a referral to a therapist that takes your insurance?  Have you called your insurance company for a referral?  How about your PCP or Dr. Roye -- do they have anyone they could refer you to?

Includes 47.5 lbs. lost during 7 month pre-op period
on 4/30/09 9:57 pm
Oh honey I'm reading your post and it hits so close to home.  I get stressed - I eat, Happy - eat, bored - eat.  I completely understand.  The fact that you see that this is a problem is the first step.
I would tell Dr. Roye.  I think that it will make you feel better just to tell someone and we forget that that is what he is there for.  He is so wonderful and easy to talk to but I have a hard time admtting failure to anyone - especially a Dr. so I know that this won't be easy.  I will look on line today for a local overeates anon. group and let you know if I find anything.  They are usually free and aren't quite as intense as one on one therapy but could help. 

Also, I don't know where you live but try local community mental health agencies for sliding scale services.  East Bay Mental Health in Barington, is one that I know of.  They may not have a therapist completely specific to your needs but especially wtih the grief that you are going through it may help. 

I stalled on my weight loss for about six weeks and it was very discouraging - which makes me eat.  I keep finding myself wanting to celebrate or reward myself wtih food - an old habbit that is hard to break. 

You've done so well so far and this is just a bump in the road.  Look at a picture of yourself before surgery - look at your success that you worked so hard for.  Don't give up and we are here for you!


on 5/14/09 2:55 pm - N Scituate, RI
 Jaime and Jenny- so happy to see how well you guys are doing!!!  Look at the huge amounts you have both lost!!!  That is incredible when the average for the first year out on the band is 25% of your excess.  You guys blew that stat outta the water!!!  I know it seems like you are not doing well- but holy smokes- from where I am standing- you guys are rocking your bands!!!!

Miss you!!!!!

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