Im so excited!!!!!!!!!!!!
I got insurance approval!!!! I just went onto my harvard pilgrim site and found the approval for my RNY!!!! YAYAYAYAY!!!!!!!!!!!!! It says start date june 4 so Im not sure whether that means it has to be done after June 4th or what but I guess I will be scheduling another appt with Dr. Giovanni soon! YAY!!!!!!! (can you tell I'm excited?)

It would be so exciting!! Let me tell you this weight is melting off! I took my measurements the night before surgery, and again yesterday and I am losing inches ALL OVER!! I have lost like 11 lbs too! In one week! I do not really notice a change in my clothes but I took my measurements anyway and was shocked to see big differences so soon!
That's great news Cathy (my beautiful blue-eyed friend)!
If you can't wait to see Dr. G. to find out if that's actually you date or not, call the office and ask for Carol. She does the scheduling. Maybe she can enlighten you a bit...before we all go nuts wondering! LOL
Let us know, k?
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