on 4/17/09 9:40 am - cumberland, RI
Greetings My Great OH Family,

First off i would like to thank my "awesome wingman" Rob (aka big flirt !!!) he really made a impression on me and my wife, he took a day out of work for the like's of me, wow!! Rob, I'll be your wingman anytime,and Romeo how checked in on me the day of my surgery,and All the well wishes!!from everyone! i was not that spooked at all the day of surgery, went in quick,did not get a room till late afternoon,ended up with a untreated sleep apnea cardiac patiant, did not sleep very much the first night,or the second, got home this PM, feel good except those Co2 gas bubbles,and feeling like i went 12 rounds with joe frazier, my ass is now planted on the losers bench !!!

Romeo L.
on 4/17/09 9:43 am - Warren, RI
welcome home Chris, let that gas out lol, It was my pleasure to check in on you and talk to your wondeful wife i am sure she will take great care of you, pushes over makes room for you on The Bench

great to see you well


on 4/17/09 10:40 am
So glad to hear you're doing well. Can't wait til I can join you all on THAT bench. I'm starting to feel like odd man out!!!(well, woman) Best wishes on a speedy recovery. And BTW, fart away!!!~~~~Kim

on 4/17/09 11:21 am - cumberland, RI
i just did, what a relief it is !!! LOL

on 4/17/09 11:42 am - Middletown, RI

so glad to hear from you Chris!!!  Glad you're home and doing well.  Funny thing about that loser's bench - always plenty of room as we're all getting smaller :)

Enjoy the ride!


At Goal - 9/13/08

on 4/17/09 5:45 pm - Warwick, RI
Chris ~ Hello.  So great you're home and already posting.  Yeah those gas cramps don't feel so good....let it all out.  You're family won't be so thrilled but your belly will feel so much better.  How are you doing with your fluids and proteins?  Finding ways to get some in?  How's it feel to finally be on the losers' bench?  Hope all keeps going well.
~ Sandy

on 4/17/09 10:31 pm, edited 4/17/09 10:32 pm - cumberland, RI
hey Sandy, it take's a little getting used to, but im am getting all proteins,and liquids so far, very slowly, were you having jello,and ice pops in between meals?? is that ok ?? sip water ??? all day ??

on 4/18/09 4:28 am - Warwick, RI
Hey there back to you Chris.  So good you're getting all your proteins and liquids in, not such an easy thing to do early on in the post-op phase.  Indeed you should be sipping and walking as much as you can, but it's a good idea to get into the 30/30 rule early on.  Meaning no fluids 30 minutes before a meal and none 30 minutes after a meal.  This can be a bit rocky at first, but you'll get there.  It's all a bonding process with your new tool -- the pouch.
~ Sandy
on 4/17/09 10:36 pm - Warwick, RI
Welcome home!!   I am sure you will feel better now that your home.  I know what you mean about the 12 rounds with joe frazier!  But it does get better, and pretty quick too!   just remember the motto.. " sip, sip, sip, walk, walk, walk".  You'll be out and about before you know it!  

Faith sees the invisible, Believes the incredible, and Receives the impossible. - anonymous
on 4/17/09 11:29 pm - RI
Happy to hear things went well!

Includes 47.5 lbs. lost during 7 month pre-op period
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