Living Life Group at Roger Williams Hospital TONIGHT! 4/09

Julie Nolan
on 4/15/09 4:41 am, edited 4/15/09 4:45 am - RI

Hello Everyone!!

Our April meeting is TONIGHT!

April 15, 2009 

7PM - 9PM

Roger Williams Medical Center

In The Greene Lounge(follow the bright yellow signs)

825 Chalkstone AveProvidence, RI 

Our Guest tonight is...

Susan S. Raesner, MSW (Master of Social Work), ACSW (Academy of Certified Social Workers)Susan will be discussing Body and Self Image after Weight Loss Surgery


If you've asked yourself some of the following questions, maybe this meeting is for you...

I'm losing the weight / I lost the what?

Who's that person in the mirror?

How did I let myself get 'that' way?

Who am I now?

Why are my old 'friends' not talking to me?

Am I being selfish?

I've lost all this weight so why am I not happy?

Where do I fit in?

Am I normal?

Is this too good to be true?

I can't believe this is me?!

If you have any other questions, please ask them or write them down and bring them to the meeting tonight. I will ask them for you.

Hope to see you all tonight!!!


May 20, 2009

Dr. Dieter Pohl, MD (Doctor or Medicine), FACS (Fellow, American College of Surgeons). Well known Bariatric Surgeon. Advanced Laparoscopic Surgery/General Surgery.Dr. Pohl will be our guest and will be available to discuss post-op questions we may have.

June 17, 2009

Nutritionist, Heather Gagliardi will return!

July 15, 2009

I'm looking for a Plastic Surgeon to volunteer some time to come speak to us. Do you know anyone?

Mark your calendars!!! I am planning our annual 'Living Life Group' pool party at my house for Saturday, July 25th!



For Info about Rhode Island Support Groups, please email me!  [email protected]

Liza G.
on 4/15/09 10:28 pm - Cranston, RI

Awesome meeting - like always Jules!! I just love going there so much. I only wish they were more often!  You guys are awesome and I seriously love every one of you so much!!

Anyway, I got this in my email this morning and it reminded me a lot about what people were talking about last night. I thought others might like to read it:

Hazelden's Today's Gift:

Today's thought from Hazelden is:

No one can make you feel inferior without your consent.
--Eleanor Roosevelt

In this moment, we are the best we can be. Today, we can work at loving the best in ourselves and not fearing the worst. We are truly wonderful and growing people with gifts and qualities that make us who we are. No one can make us feel inferior without our consent.

Now, we are in charge of our lives and growth. We can choose to let go of old negative thinking. We can choose to think positive, loving thoughts about ourselves. We never need to be victims again to addiction or to other people. We have options today. We can choose to grow in a positive recovery program. We can choose to have loving, affirming people in our lives.

Today I will stick with the winners. I am a winner today and every day.

You are reading from the book: Our Best Days by Nancy Hull-Mast

Have a great day everyone - it's going to be beautiful out!!!



Our future is what we make it. We have to work our own magic to make our life spectacular" - Teresa White

Julie Nolan
on 4/16/09 11:44 pm - RI

Hi Liza!

I'm so happy you enjoy the meeting! All the members are so wonderful and we're lucky to have guests who volunteer their time to come share and offer support to us!

Thanks for sharing this affirmation. It rings so true!

Like Sue said "Fake it 'til you make it"!

If we don't feel positive about ourselves and/or our bodies, we should practice being positive until we DO feel it!

We have EVERY right to be happy! And we have EVERY right to not listen to negative people in our lives! As well as, not listen to those negative voices in our heads!

I know, for myself, I need to quelch the negative thoughts right away and replace them with something positive right away. If I don't believe it at the time I say it, I have to practice it until I do.

We're amazing, amazing individuals on this journey and we need to give ourselves credit when credit is due....and it IS DUE!

Love ya Liza!



For Info about Rhode Island Support Groups, please email me!  [email protected]

on 4/17/09 12:47 am - lincoln, RI

Oh my God Julie, you look absolutely, positively amazing.You are SKINNY.Your group was great and I'm looking forward to the next one.I need to lose 20 pounds to get to my goal.I think I'll ignore the wrinkles and get back on track!!!!!!!!!!!     Denise

on 4/22/09 3:46 am - RI
These meetings look great! just what I need. The one on May 20th is that at Roger Williams as well? I would really like to attend
Julie Nolan
on 4/23/09 3:47 am - RI

Hi Ya'll!

I'm so happy you like the group! Gives me IGGY-boos in the belly!

Jenny, keep in mind there are two meetings at Roger Williams.

One is the ACTUAL Roger Williams Hospital meeting that meets (TONIGHT) every 4th THURSDAY.

The other is the Living Life group that meets every 3rd WEDNESDAY (which is the one we are talking about here).

Other members of the Living Life group and I also go to the Thursday night group.

Hope to see you there some time as well!



For Info about Rhode Island Support Groups, please email me!  [email protected]

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