I fially have my first appt
Hugs, Tiffany
On the psych test and such - don't worry it was a piece of cake.
Hi Tiffany.
Dr Sax has impressive credentials, Chief or Surgery at Miriam. He is businesslike- cordial but not super warm and fuzzy, He will answer all of your questions thouroughly. His Nurse Practioner assistant is the one who is warm and fuzzy. You should rest assured that you are in the best hands available. They are serious about this procedure and want you to be ready for it. It will take several months to get through the testing etc. Make sure not to gain any weight during the process. Dr Sax does not like that. Best of Luck
Hi Tiff!
Just wanna send you some warm huggins!
Please let us know about your appointment when you get home!
Breathe In......
Breathe Out......
Repeat.....as often as necessary
Later Alligator!
For Info about Rhode Island Support Groups, please email me! [email protected]
I have Dr Sax and like Chris said he isn't warm and fuzzy but I wouldn't say he's not nice. I work in the medical field so I've had many experiences with surgeons- they deal with anesthetized people for a reason!!!!I like him and I'm putting my life in his hands. Make your own judgement and if you don't feel right find another surgeon.~~~~~~~~Kim