silly questions
(I have blue cross blue shield insurance)
If you have a bmi over 40, you should not need any co-morbidies. I have none.
Did you see what the guidlines are from your health insurance company? It will clearly state what is required of you. Call them and ask if you are not sure.
As far as the WL attempts just give it your best guess. The only place I see it as an issue is if your insurance requires X amount of time on a supervised diet. For that you will need proof and records - it might even require doctor notes.
Good Luck! edical_policies/SurgeryforMorbidObesity.jsp
Includes 47.5 lbs. lost during 7 month pre-op period
That being said, please remember that even though we all might have BCBSRI for insurance, that there are tons of different policies and levels of coverage that each person might have. Just because one person was approved by them and their policy covers the surgery, does not mean that someone else with the insurance will have the same experience. My best suggestion is to call Customer Service with your policy # and ask them about the coverage for the surgery you are interested in specifically on your policy. Good luck!
Our future is what we make it. We have to work our own magic to make our life spectacular" - Teresa White
Medical Criteria:
Bariatric surgery is considered medically necessary for all product lines when ALL of the following medical are met:
- BMI of 40 or BMI of 35 with at least one significant co-morbidity (e.g., high blood pressure, diabetes, etc.); AND
- Documented failure of weight loss attempts; AND
- Obesity present for at least 5 years; AND
- No untreated metabolic/endocrine abnormalities; AND
- Adult (achieved full growth).
Our future is what we make it. We have to work our own magic to make our life spectacular" - Teresa White
Hi Amy,
You've gotten some great replies about the insurance stuff. We have great friends here, huh? No question is a silly one!
When I had to come up with my diet history. I had to think of over 25 years of dieting attempts! Yikes!
I like to keep things a simple as possible...
I went through my photo albums! When I saw pics of myself thinner and became familiar with the timeframe, I remembered what diet I was on that got me there and the approximate season and year.
It was quite depressing and eye-opening but it really helped!
Have a great weekend!
For Info about Rhode Island Support Groups, please email me! [email protected]
on 3/20/09 12:46 am - Kingston, RI
I am just starting the journey as well. I went for my first consult with the Dr. on Jan 29 and was approved by BCBS within 3 weeks. I had a bmi of 41 with high cholesterol (barely!) and my doctor asked my what weight loss programs I tried. I listed them to her and told her nothing was ever documented by my primary doc. No problems so good luck!