Was I TOO Honest with MD

on 3/16/09 3:30 am
Hi Friends.......... As you know I "flunked" my psyche exam last month. Well, all is well with that except my patience is being tried like you would not believe!!! On Friday Dr Sax gave the go-ahead for submission to insurance,EXCEPT,I need to get a letter stating that the psyche is ok with me going ahead. From my 2nd visit he said that he would gladly write a letter. BUT, Now he wants me to wait until Wed.(when I see him next) to go over the letter with me. I guess that's ok 'cuz at least I know what he saying in my favor. I called Meaghan at Dr Sax and she said she has to wait for the letter to submit. I can't get the letter to them until at least Thurs!!! I know it's only a couple of days but it seems like forever away.
Anyway, I chose to tell the psyche the whole dirty truth about my past because I wanted to have the best and safest care for myself with this journey. I've seen on other sites,where I've seen people admitting they wear weights for their weigh-ins prior to surgery so they can have higher BMI- I like them have BMI <40 but I could never be THAT dishonest. I've got enough problems with my BMI at what it REALLY is without faking extra pounds. Anyway, I have to believe everything happens for a reason and being honest with all involved in my care was the right thing to do..........I only hope I'm right!!!!!! Just needed to vent .....thanks!!!~~~~~~Kim
Julie Nolan
on 3/16/09 6:13 am - RI

Hi Kim,

In my book, honesty goes a long way. Especially when it comes to our safety!

I think it's important to be as honest as we can with our docs. We are very lucky that the bariatric docs in RI are truly interested in our well-being and not just the money they make.

It's great that your psych wants to go over the letter with you. He/She must really care about you. I know a few more days of waiting can drive anyone crazy. I am the most impatient person I know. I totally understand. I can say though, it'll be here before you know it. Six months from now, these couple of days will be just a memory.

I've never heard of anyone wearing weights to the office for weigh-in to put them higher on the BMI scale. Wow! That's scary! Truly, they are really only dishonest with themselves. I'd love to be the one to catch them in the act! LOL.

See you at the Wednesday Meeting?



For Info about Rhode Island Support Groups, please email me!  [email protected]

on 3/16/09 2:54 pm
Hi Julie, I'm going to go to Wed meeting but I have ti wor****il 7pm so I will be late. I hope that won't be disruptive. I really want to go to as many meetings as I can but I work 3p-3a. I think I told you I was a nurse in Hasbro ED.  I picked up and partial shift on Wed 3p-7p. Hope to see you~~~~Kim
on 3/16/09 10:57 pm - Warwick, RI
Hey Kim! I totally agree with Jules.  Being honest with the docs is the best thing for YOU.   God forbid something goes wrong because they or you were unprepared for something.  You want to be a success in this journey and so do they.  No one is " out to get you".  I know in today's society, we all feel like someone is trying to stop our dreams.  But not here.  Not with the docs.  We are ALL routing for you and want the best and safest journey for you.  Do what you have to do and you will be all the happier for it.  Also, I had a low bmi and still got my surgery.  I have alot of comorbidites that over ruled the BMI thing.  Keep the faith!  See you on Wednesday.  Late is always better than never!   Eldy
Faith sees the invisible, Believes the incredible, and Receives the impossible. - anonymous
on 3/17/09 2:12 am
Thanks Eldy.......will see you on Wed~~~~~~~Kim
PS- hope everything works out for you re: your back. I too am a side sleeper and work an "odd" shift. But I've had insomnia for so many years that I take meds so getting to sleep is a non-issue. How I feel when I get up.........that may be a different story. Be creative, like someone else suggested maybe you can put the recliner in your bedroom or call the room you sleep in off limits until you wake up. Hopefully it will be a temporary problem!!!
on 3/17/09 6:56 am
I have read your two posts about being honest with the psych people about your past and behavior. I went to my psych appointment today at the Bayside building at RI Hospital, told the truth and was told I needed to do further counseling before getting approved. I was wondering if you could tell me how many sessions you did with a counselor before he was going to give you the letter? I asked Dr. Zimmerman that question and he told me he couldn't give me an answer as it depended on me.

I am looking on the bright side. If I don't fix some of these emotional issues or at least start a dialogue about them, I won't be as successful post-surgery. But it still sucks.

Thanks for any insight you can give me!
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