Pre-Op Testing Update
Hi all!
Figured I'd post an update. The biggest drama I've had pre-op is my sleep study. As I posted about 3 weeks ago, I "flunked" my first study -- didn't sleep long enough. Had to go back, take some Ambien, and try it again. Well, it still wasn't successful. The Ambien made me sleep a bit longer (the NP said 3+ hours this time instead of the 2 without), but it still wasn't long enough for them to reach a conclusion. The sleep doctor phoned me to deliver the news, and that he'd tell the surgeon if I have to be admitted he'd recommend "close monitoring". He was all in favor of me going home same day. He said that would mean I wasn't on IV pain meds to put me in a "compromised" position. I'm going to have to discuss the whole plan w/ Dr. R. because I'm not one to jump at the need to be hospitalized, let alone "closely monitored". All in all, I would have preferred to have my toe and fingernails pulled out one by one -- but that's just me.
The other problem I've run in to is my upper GI showed "poor peristalsis" in my upper esophageus. I have to go for an "esophageal manometry" Monday. If it shows this is due to the reflux I'm lucky enough to have, Dr. R. said I'd be good to go. If it's for any other reason, the procedure may be off.
The PFT's were interesting to do -- it was my first time. I scored above 100% on some. I'm seeing an endocrinologist this week to go over my bloodwork and history (I've always been "borderline" with a family history of thyroid disease). The nutrition eval went smoothly, and the psych eval was a piece of cake (ok, no pun intended!) -- they cleared me that day.
My continued thanks to all who contribute here for the daily education I receive.

Includes 47.5 lbs. lost during 7 month pre-op period
Hiya Deb!
Well, I guess there's good news and bad news about your tests....
The bad news....
Inconclusive sleep study
poor peristalsis that may cause delay in surgery
PFT's high
The good news....
They're not making you do another sleep study (Aaaargh)
There's actually a test they CAN do to find out if it's your, already existing, reflux and that'll clear ya.
The endocrinologist can help you and you were able to get in very soon instead of waiting a month or more!
Your NUT eval was great!
Your psych eval was great too!
Wish I could help you out with more experience on this end with the difficulties you've been facing. I can say it's best to be on the safe side. And lucky for us, our surgeons are all good at making sure we're safe.
Please keep up posted.
For Info about Rhode Island Support Groups, please email me! [email protected]
I am, in fact, going for that follow up test regarding my esophageus -- lucky that they had an opening tomorrow morning! I thought I'd have to wait two weeks to get in. Good karma perhaps?
And yes, I was also lucky to get in to see the endocrinologist so quickly. I actually used to see someone at RI Hospital who long ago moved to Milton MA. I've seen him a couple of times up there, but given the distance and that fact that he's close to retirement age, it was time to make a change. His office actually referred me to this guy, who was a fellow of my (hopefully) former endo. I just hope I like him, and that he's not all about "well, if you'd just lose some weight".
Thanks for your support.

Includes 47.5 lbs. lost during 7 month pre-op period