Time again for introductions.....

Angela H.
on 3/3/09 3:23 am, edited 3/3/09 3:30 am - Bristol, RI
Its been a while since we've done this and there are so many new faces around that I thought it would be nice to have another "Introductions" post. So please take a few minutes and post an introduction about yourself, lets get to know one another all over again!
I'll start...
I'm Angela and I live in Bristol with my husband, who I married in June 07, just a few months before my surgery, and my 3 amazing kids (2 girls ages 7 and 8 and a boy who's 4) I've been overweight my entire life and I never remember being the size I am now. I was a project manager for a printing company up until July when I was laid off and now I've decided to take classes and get my real estate license. I'm just finishing those classes off in a few weeks and hope to be licensed by the end of March-beginning of April.
I had my surgery with Dr Dieter Pohl on Nov 13,2007 at Roger Williams hospital and it has been the best thing I have ever done in my life! At the beginning of the surgery process I was 331 lbs and on the day of surgery I weighed in at 313. Now at 16 months out I am in maintenance mode and holding steady between 150-153 and wear a size 6 comfortably. I have gone from someone who hated exercise, to actually enjoying jogging and staying active, though lately its been a little harder. I'm hoping once the weather breaks, I will get to go out and enjoy the outdoors and am making a goal of riding the entire East Bay Bike path before the end of the summer. My other goal for this year, is walking to the top of the Bunker Hill monument (294 steps to the top and then back down). Image

We had some people visiting 2 summers ago and they all went to the top (see the little window!)as I sat there looking up and knowing there was just no way! Now, I think I could do it and want to attempt it once the weather breaks! Tight space, steps as far as you can see? No problem! Bring it on! I feel like I could take on the world now .

I'm also looking forward to taking my first long distance airplane trip this summer. I've been on one flight since surgery and didnt need an extender, which was awesome! But I'm really looking forward to having all the extra room in the seat now when we go to CA this summer to visit in laws and take the kids to Disney!

Ok, so now you know all about me....Who are you?

EDITED TO ADD: OH...I almost forgot! I also host a monthly get together for all surgery patients and their families here at my house in Bristol on the 3rd Saturday of every month. It starts at 3pm and runs until whenever! Usually there is someone here until at least 8-9pm. Its a blast and we have such a great group of people who come! Its very informal..I always cook a few WLS friendly dishes and we sometimes play games, play Wii, Karaoke...whatever comes to mind! 
In the summer, my house is a very short walk to the Bristol harbor and its a great place to go walking which we've been known to do. Everyone is invited and if you need info just send me a message! We'd love to have you!!

Johanna !
on 3/3/09 3:45 am - Formerly known as jdcRI, RI
Hi! My name is Johanna (pronounced Joe-on-uh).  I live in Warwick with my hubby, Mark, of 2.5 years and our 2 kids, a three yr old named Breanna and a two yr old named Jake.

I was always chunky, never really obese in high school (I thought I was fat though!)  I am 5 ft short so that never helps!  When I went to college -RIC, I started gaining weight.  i worked at Lane Bryant (when the sizes were too big) and eventually worked my way into wearing the clothes!  (I actually recognized Merry and her mom at a support group at RW because of this job!)  I became comfy with being fat and never really thougt I was that big.

About 6 yrs ago I weighed 198 (my all time high at that point) I joined LA weightloss (my mom wanted me to, so she payed for it) and in 6 months got down to 130 lbs.  I started dating my now husband and got pregnant (after a year of dating at least!)... so at that point I felt I could eat whatever I wanted and the weight came on.  When I was pregnant with my second child I kept gaining wait until I hit 230.  After I gave birth I could not get that weight off.  So here I am, I fluctuate from 227-232.  I have to hold my breath to tie my shoes!

I started my WLS journey in June 2008.  I have been doing this for over 8 months now and am sick of the wait (and weight!).  I have my final consult with Dr. Roye on March 16, and should be getting my much coveted surgery date then! hopefully it will be an April date. 

I work full time and am going back to school.  Between that and my family I am very busy.  (I sneak on OH while at work - shh)I am embarrassed about needing this surgery and am keeping that info private.  I told immediate family and some close friends and coworkers.
Liza G.
on 3/3/09 9:41 am - Cranston, RI
Hi Johanna!!! Loved reading about you - thanks!! I have 2 little kids also (5 & 8) and we are both at the same place in this journey - I also have finished all my pre-op tests and visits and I have my 2nd visit with the surgeon on 3/16 too and am hoping to get a date after that visit! Too funny! We are also in a similar place weight-wise - I am 5'3" and about 210-215 right now, which is also my all time high.

I will be really interested in following your journey and look forward to getting to know each other better!!

Liza G.
on 3/3/09 9:44 am - Cranston, RI
Great idea Angela, thank you for posting this thread!! I am looking forward to reading about everyone and learning more about them.

Congrats on your amazing success with WLS!!  You, and others like you in this group, are such an inspiration to me!!

And how nice of you to host your monthly get together at your home. I have heard it is so much fun and I can't wait to attend the next one!!!

Liza G.
on 3/3/09 10:07 am - Cranston, RI
My name is Liza and I am 35 years old. I have been married for almost 12 years (eeek!) to Larry and we have 2 daughters. Juliana is 8 and Morgan is 5. They are total divas and as much as I love them is as much as they drive me crazy . We live in Cranston, but we are not originally from Rhode Island. I grew up in New York and my husband grew up in CT. We both went to Johnson and Wales and met in school. Since we were both from different places, Rhode Island was a common place for us to stay together, so we stayed "temporarily" until we figured out what to do next. Almost 16 years later we are still trying to figure out where to go "eventually" . We have no family in RI and that has always bothered us, although I have some really great friends that are practically like family to me here.

We made the decision (after going back and forth literally for years) about 9 months ago to sell our house in Cranston and finally make the move to CT. Our house sold very quickly but right before we were about to move, we got cold feet because of how bad the economy and the job markets are right now and decided it probably wasn't the time for me to be leaving a good job. SOOO, long story short, we moved from a 3,000 sq ft house into a 900 sq ft apartment with 2 kids and all our stuff, and now here we are trying to figure out what to do next! I hate apartment living and I miss having a house terribly!!

That being said though, I decided that before we do anything about all of that, that I am going to first do something about ME! I have spent so many years taking care of and putting others first, that I decided now it is time for me first! Enter WLS..........

I have struggled with my weight for what seems like my entire life, and after one of my best friends had RNY and lost 160lbs and a very positive experience, I decided this was the route I wanted to go. At about 210lbs and 5'3" (BMI about 36-37) I didn't think I would be eligible for the surgery, but after finding out that I would be since I have Sleep Apnea, I decided to move ahead with the process.

I have just recently finished all my pre-op testing and visits and I have my 2nd visit with Dr. G now scheduled for 3/16 and I am hoping to get my date after that visit!!!

We still don't know what we are doing about a house/where to live, but I told my husband that I wanted to do this first while I have a good job with good benefits (I work for Blue Cross!). So I am going to (hopefully!) have the surgery, recover, and then once everything settles down with that, we will revisit our other situation.

For now, I am very excited about the possibility of finally getting my weight under control and feeling better about myself. I am also loving all the new people I am meeting through this board and the Support Group and I can't wait to get to know everyone better!!!

Thank you to everyone for making me feel so welcome so quickly - you guys have truly made part of this process 100 times easier and more comfortable for me!!!

on 3/3/09 1:26 pm - Cranston, RI

Hi Angela and to all new people!

I have been away for awhile (some personal issues with life in general - unfortunately I turned to beer for comfort - BAD THING) and now it's time to get back into the picture!

Angela you really look fantastic! I have been staying active too! I am in a size 8 for the first time since jr High school and loving it!  I love to shop for sale clothing!

In the past few months I have had my ups and downs BUT know I am coming back to life!  Infact I have even rekindled a relationship with my high school sweetheart - who has been helping me to put things back inot prospective!

Hopefully perhaps I WILL be able to come to the next get together - no puns intended - I really need to get back into the OB circuit again!

Love and good luck to all!




on 3/3/09 8:25 pm - RI
Hey Angela, i looking forward to flying to Europe and not need "fat man" seatbelt, i am preparing my self for surgery April 15, i also have things i will do when i am free !! from all the bad things obesity brings !!

thanks for the great words!!

Robyn V.
on 3/3/09 10:51 pm - Riverside, RI
Hi All,

I hope to get a picture up here soon. I so don't want to put one up, but I know I should!

My name is Robyn and in the last 6 years have really struggled with my weight. My father died around that time and ever since then I've noticed huge swings in weight (+ and - 100 or more lbs). I know that I've always had a huge appetite, but when I was younger and had a higher metabolism, it didn't seem to matter as much. I have tried ever diet out there practically and have been successful most times, but the weight just keeps coming back on. I know that the only aspect that I don't have control over is my huge appetite. I've opted for gastric bypass because I want something permanent and feel it would be the best decision for me. My best friend got it done 5 years ago and has had great success. She is also very realistic with me about side effects and things like that which I really appreciate, so I think I have a pretty good idea of what I'm getting into. My surgery is scheduled for March 24th with Dr. Pohl. I am excited because I know this is the one missing link to being able to control my weight for a lifetime. I hope to be able to get to some support groups after the surgery and hopefully get to meet others!
on 3/4/09 2:27 am - Warwick, RI
Hi everyone!     My name is Eldy.  Its my nickname.  I grew up in Hawaii and thats what all my friends called me.  I feel these are all my friends and that is what I prefer to be called.  I had been chunky as a kid and when i was in high school I lost weight by not eating ice cream before bed ( instead I ate it when I got home).  If only something like that would work today!  I am married for almost 20 years to Chris and we have 2 children, a 14 year old boy (Dustin) and a 12 year old girl (Maile).  I started thinking about WLS last spring.  I talked to Chris about it, thinking he would just shrug it off ( after all i have tried so many things that just didn't work).  But he came home from his doctor's appointment (Gastrointestinal) and handed my Dr. Giovanni's phone number.  He actually asked his doctor about the surgery and he said she was excellent and highly recommended her.  So we went to a seminar that June and started the whole process.  My son was for the surgery cuz he wants me healthy (lots of health issues) and my daughter was against it cuz i wouldn't be cuddly anymore.  Well, we have decided when i get to that point that I am thin, I will place a pillow on my belly for her to snuggle with.  That satisfied her. I had my surgery on Feb 24th this year and am home recovering.  Doing well by the way!  I work full time as a Supervisor at 911 on the midnight shift.  I have told my family, friends, and coworkers about the surgery and have everyone's support.  But I have to tell you, this site gives you so much support and I have made so many wonderful friends, I would not be as prepared as I am now.  Thank you everyone for being there for me and I hope I can recipricate the feeling back to each one of you.   Eldy
Faith sees the invisible, Believes the incredible, and Receives the impossible. - anonymous
on 3/4/09 2:27 am - Fall River, MA
HI my name is Sue. I live in Fall River MA with husband of 24 years and three sons 23 - 19 - 15. I have been overweight all my life. I started the WLS journey in June of 2008. My first appt with Dr V was on July 31st and from there I had all my pre req visits. I had surgery Dec. 16th 2008. I started at 283lbs day of surgery (5'3"). as of today I have lost 50lbs! Woo hooo. I am a nurse and work at a state hospital. I would love to make it to one of Angela's support groups on a Saturday. I look forward to this journey and everyone here on this site has been great. I have found so much useful and helpful information.  I have to cut this short because I am posting from work and need to get back to my work! 
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