Every one thinks i am grumpy
Just remember you can always come here and get things off your chest! Good Luck!
Oh Man!
I was so grumpy! I was in a lot of pain as well and just so damned anxioux to get rid of it! Once and for all! And I KNEW the surgery was going to be the answer to my prayers!
And it truly was!
I think what you're feeling is completely normal, Chris.
I wasn't so moody after the surgery though. I felt such a relief knowing that it was done and over with. I began losing weight at a good pace and started feeling some relief from the lower back and knee pain about a month or so after surgery.
I began walking as soon as I was able to get outside and go. It seemed to help my lower back not to be so stiff. I did easy stretches before and after to help loosen up the muscles and stretch my spine.
Are you able to get out and walk much now? If not, can you try the stretching?
I feel your pain.
You'll get through this. Before you know it, you'll be on the other side.
My heart is with you, my friend!
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