Hello from NY

on 2/7/09 1:51 am - Warwick, RI
Hi all,
Just a quick update. I am currently residing in NY with my mom while helping out my with my father's current care. As some may not know, my dad (age 68, non smoker) was diagnosed with stage 4 squamous cell lung cancer that has metastasized to the brain. This is a very aggressive cancer and no one knew anything about him having cancer until January 21. I went to my mom's for a long weekend with the kids due to the cir****tances have decided that it would be best for me to reside here with her during this traumatic time in her life. (We are living in the same 4 outfits...talk about wash and wear! Hubby coming down next weekend, so hopefully we will get some other clothes.)

The Dr's do not think that radiation will help any at this stage of cancer...what he has is not curable. He has had several bad setbacks while in the hospital, adding insult to injury...stupid things like getting a cellulitis in his hand that spread to his arm and gave him a fever of 103. They gave him Vancomyacin to help, but then he had what appears to be a stroke, yet the Dr's stated that it is due to how the cancer is spreading in his brain. All of the steroids are affecting his blood sugar (he is a diabetic), so his sugars are all over the place . We are setting up hospice, and I will become his primary care giver. I know that this can be taxing, so I ask that you keep me in your prayers.

I will try to keep you updated as things progress. I have made sure that I am taking my vitamins (soft gels OK?) and trying to get in some well needed exercise. I know that some of the current weight loss is stress induced, so I really need to be careful.
You can send me an email at
[email protected], or IM me on AOL using DaisyN132 as a screen name...can't get AOL email..no account.

Hope all of you are doing well! I am hoping not to recognize some of you when I get back!!!!
Take Care,
Your Friend
Ruth (aka DaisyN132)

Lisa S.
on 2/7/09 2:32 am - Coventry, RI
Hey Ruth,
  I was really happy to hear from you this morning. I feel bad what is going on in your life. Like I said before you need to talk for any reason weather for bypass question or just to talk Call me.  I am here.  Your in my prays as for the rest of your family.   I was happy to hear how much you lost so far.  I can not wait to see the change that will be really cool to see.  Just remember your not alone even if  we are states a part us guys from OH are with you in pray.  Keep me posted
Your freind
on 2/7/09 8:35 am - Fort Worth, TX
Revision on 05/20/15 with
Ruth so sorry to hear what your going through.  You and your family are in my prayers. 

Anyone who says sunshine brings happiness has never danced in the rain.- Author unknown


on 2/7/09 9:03 am - Warwick, RI
Ruth ~ Hello.  Can't imagine all that you and your family are going through.  Will indeed keep all of you in my thoughts and prayers.
~ Sandy
Julie Nolan
on 2/7/09 12:52 pm - RI

Hi Ruth!

It's great to hear from you!

I wish things were going better for you and your family. I'm sorry you have to go through this.

Please know that you can come on here any time to chat about anything you need to. We're here to help in any way. Even if you just need some positive hello's and know the prayers are coming your way.

God Bless you all!


P.S. 77 pounds! Woot Woot! Great Job! Keep those vitamins and protein going! Stay healthy so you can stay strong, k?


For Info about Rhode Island Support Groups, please email me!  [email protected]

on 2/8/09 10:56 am - Fall River, MA

So sorry to hear about your dad. It is so hard. I will keep your family in my prayers. Hospice is wonderful and will help you through so much!

on 2/9/09 5:45 am - Wakefield, RI
 Hi Ruth, sorry to hear about your dad.  It was nice nice to hear from you.  You are where you need to be.  Hope all is well with the other medical issues that you have had. You are in my thoughts and prayer. Please take care.
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