initial appointment question

on 1/29/09 7:28 am
I have scheduled my first appointment with Dr. Pohl for February 19. I have the nutritionist apointment and the gallbladder ultrasound before the visit. The psych eval is the 23rd. My question is: when is the second appointment scheduled for generally? Also, why is the psych eval so long?

Cathy Dumont
on 1/29/09 8:28 pm - Cumberland, RI
Im in the initial appt. stage too. I see Dr. Giovanni on Monday, but I havent had anything scheduled nor have I been told to schedule anything.  Did you schedule these appointments on your own?  id the Dr's office help you with these?  I guess Im very up in the air about how things work.....
on 1/30/09 12:48 am, edited 1/30/09 12:48 am - RI

Here's what I can share about your questions.  I, too, am pre-op.  I received a listing from Dr. Ryder's office of all pre-op appts. that I had to go to.  Two of them (the upper GI and the pulmonary function tests) were scheduled by my dr's office.  However, the instructions were clear that I was free to reschedule them to another time.  Indeed, I did reschedule both, and there wasn't any additional wait time.  For the other appts. (psych consult, nutrition consult, bloodwork, chest xray, EKG,  and sleep study), I was given the numbers to call and could make my own appts.  The sleep study lady told me it could be up to 4 appts, depending upon how results come back, so she urged me to make the appt. pronto.  They psych eval lady told me that I had to go for 2 hours of testing by a psychologist one morning, and then go back in the afternoon to meet with the psychiatrist.  They were very rigid in those requirements -- I can't go back the next day to meet with the psychiatrist.  Good thing my work schedule will accomodate such craziness!  For your information, the prescription from the surgeon for the psych eval says they need to rule out eating disorders and depression.  I guess it takes that amount of time to do as prescribed.

Hope this all helps!


Includes 47.5 lbs. lost during 7 month pre-op period
on 1/29/09 9:21 pm - Warwick, RI
Hi Fern,   Welcome to the group.  Usually you have your second appt. with the surgeon after you have all the tests, evaluations and insurance approval done.  That would be the appt. where you and the surgeon discuss the results of everything and get a date for the surgery.  It can take awhile to get to that point sometimes.  Schedules vary, but don't get frustrated or disappointed.  Before you know it, it will be surgery day.  Just remember every step is one step closer to be a healthier you.  Good luck and take care!   Eldy
Julie Nolan
on 1/30/09 9:43 pm - RI

Hi Fern!

Looks like you've already gotten a lot of good feedback here so I'll just say....

Welcome to your new home-away-from-home!

I hope you read and post often! Feel free to give your two-cents and ask any questions you need answers to. If we don't have the answers, we may know where to refer you!

Have a great weekend!



For Info about Rhode Island Support Groups, please email me!  [email protected]

on 2/1/09 5:56 am
 Hi...I,m an new pre-op. I too have all my appt sceduled. 1 a week for the next 5 weeks!!! I also have an appt to meet with the RNP after the tests are done in March. What makes me nervous is that I'm worried my insurance won't cover. My BMI-37, I have not been on anti-hypertensives but am being "watched" for my pressure. I got all my blood work back and they are perfect!!!!! I just hope that all my aches and pains( physical and mental) are enough for the insurance to cover. My job requires me to be on my feet for 12 hr shifts and at 46yrs young :) I'm not about to change careers. Besides, I love what I do!!!! Sorry to ramble. Can anyone give me some encouragement?? I have Lifespan BCBS. Thanks!!!!!~~~~~~Kim
on 2/1/09 6:37 am - Ashaway, RI
Try calling your surgeon's office and find out if they received pre-approval. Doctor Pohl's office will let you know if they were able to get the pre-approval. I had BC/BS a borderline BMI but insulin resistance and issues like that. Have your primary care doctor write a detailed letter explaining that you are developing b/p issues and are being monitored, provide details regarding your aches and pains (arthritis, disc problems, etc.). The more details you have documented, the more it will help. BC/BS was very good about my approval. Each case is different but it sounds like you certainly can advocate for your situation with the information you provided. They know the increased costs of long term obesity.
on 2/1/09 6:56 am - RI

Here's the link to BC's policy on WLS: edical_policies/SurgeryforMorbidObesity.jsp

It might help you understand what you have ahead of you.  As far as the co-morbidities, can a doctor document that you have joint pain from standing on your feet for work?  That might help you along some.

Best of luck.


Includes 47.5 lbs. lost during 7 month pre-op period
on 2/1/09 6:42 am - Ashaway, RI
Once you get that check list of appointments completed, you can call the office. On your first visit on 2/19, Dr. Pohl may instruct you to get additional tests (by the way). Once the doctor reviews your chart, his office will call you back to schedule the second appointment. It takes about 3 weeks after that call to get into the office. One of the office staff will contact you with a PAT testing date which is 14 days before the surgery date.

The psych eval at RI Hospital is primarily looking for depression, bulimia, anorexia, and eating disorders. The first session is a long questionnaire/interview with the Psychologist. Then, you will briefly see a psychiatrist who will prepare the letter in the PM session. Basically, they also want to make sure you have the capacity to make an informed consent to the procedure, can adapt and follow the requirements and lifestyle changes, etc. It wasn't bad. Maybe repetitive. But, it's a piece of cake.
on 2/1/09 8:58 am
 Thank you for the info. I'll just get letters from my podiatrist (plantar fasciaitis) and right now my PMD doesn't even know that I'm looking to have surgery but she has almost 20 yrs of my weight history so I'm sure she'll write a letter for me. The past 3 years I've refused to get on her scale!!!! Anyway........thanks!!!!~~~~Kim
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