Starting something New

Lisa S.
on 1/27/09 1:20 am - Coventry, RI
OK here goes. 

    I been very down on myself this past 2 month.  I have not said much to anyone about it.  Keep it inside.  I know this is not good and make me slip back into old ways.  Like not moving around like I should so on and so on.  You know how this goes. 

        I don't know  why but I am glad it happen.  I woke up today saying this has got to stop.  I know I have not had the best of luck this past year.  Broke hip, wrist. and other health issues.  The best thing that did happen was the gastric bypass. Seem one thing after another. If not me the car would brake or the cat would get sick.   Or I worry about my husband who has been putting off his lap band so I can get back on my feet.  Scared that if he put off any longer something could happen to him.  That would just kill me.  

Today I set some mini goals:
I plan to follow as best as I can.

1. Getting Chip one step closer to the lap band.  Today I got his apt. for the aultrasound. for the gallbladder. Will be done on Saturday . 

2. Drink more water.  at least 6-8 glasses a day  it is noon time and I had  3 so far.  This is a Tuff one.

3. Reach out to help someone even if they have not asked.  I did this today I  send a email to a person on here that is new   Telling them who I was and letting them know if they have any question feel free to ask.  Sometime being the new kid here it tuff to get going. So I thought maybe if they thought they already had a friend here this would get them going.  I felt so good sending that email.

4. I will exercise at least 3 time a week for now.  It will be hard with the wrist but, I will do it.  I join that shape up RI and even started a team on the site.   I hope some of You guys will join my team.  We can push each other.  I really want to be at 145 to 155lbs come April.  I know I have to do this.

Ok well ,  Thanks for letting me tell you what I was thinking.  Thought it was time to open up alittle bit.  I feeling somewhat better now.   So  these are my mini goals Soon I should be able to set more. As I get back on track

Thanks so much for being my second family.  You guys are so great. Just to have people who understand where you are comming from  is just great. 

Love you all
Cathy Dumont
on 1/27/09 2:39 am - Cumberland, RI
YAY! Lisa!  You are an inspiration to me and many of us here on the RI board. You were the first person I emailed when I got here a few weeks ago, made me feel at home and I think you for that.  Setting up goals does make you feel better! I know my small goals of making my appointments and finding out about inusrance has made me feel better about myself.
thanks again!  cathy
Lisa S.
on 1/27/09 3:11 am - Coventry, RI
Hey Cathy, 
 Thanks so much.   Keep me posted on how you are doing. If you need anything call anytime. 

on 1/27/09 8:34 am - Warwick, RI
Hi Lisa,  you know, we are all human and all have our own emotional roller coasters.  Sometimes its really important to vent them out.  I love this group because you can vent without judgement.  You have done so much with all the "not so good luck" you feel.  This is why you are such an inspiration to us.  When we feel this way we feel we are alone in that.  But when you express what you have been going thru, we know that we are not alone and hopefully, someone can say something that will give you the strength to break thru that funk and "get 'er dun"! 
Thank you, Lisa for sharing with us.     Your friend, Eldy
Lisa S.
on 1/28/09 4:53 am - Coventry, RI

Hey Eldy

Thanks so much for your kind words that mean the world to me.   I love this group also this is my 2nd family.  Sometime I talk to this family more then my own.  Becasue you all understand.  Thanks again my friend

Julie Nolan
on 1/28/09 3:43 am - RI

Hey Lee,

Let me start out by saying "I Love You!"

You know there's a reason for everything. Even though we can't see it right away. There IS a reason.

You have a desire to help other people. With all you have gone through this past year, it's made you stronger and has caused you to have the ability to identify with other people who need to feel like they aren't the only ones going through hard times.

Whether it be physical or emotional, you have certainly been there, done that!

I'm so proud of you for making it to the other side and setting your mini-goals. I know that for me, it really helps to have goals. Goals are so motivating!

Making the mini goals is the first step. Now you just have to APPLY them!

How do you eat an elephant??? One bite at a time!

You're doing great, my friend!

Keep your head up and walk into the wind!

Challenge yourself!

You're a phenomenal woman!



For Info about Rhode Island Support Groups, please email me!  [email protected]

Lisa S.
on 1/28/09 7:45 am - Coventry, RI
Hey Julie 

I love you too. 

I learn a lot from you.  Thank you for that.  I feel so much better since I wrote that post.   Yesturday was a so so day.  Today was a good day

Goals are being done.   Chip is one step closer to getting his lap band. 
                                           I only got 1 more bottle of water to drink tonight and I can say I drank the 8 glasses.  WHOOHOOO  that is big for me. 
                                           I go back to work on Monday.  Life getting back to normal is a plus for me.  I still can not write for 3 more weeks but I can type. With  the brace on.  
                                           For my exercise today I jogged or fast walked in place for 20 min in my living room since the weather out side was so bad.

I am doing it.   So as you put it  I am eating the elephant one bite at a time.   keeping my head up and walking into the wind.

Thanks for being there for me. You are the best I think everyone here would agree on that. Your the phenomenal woman. 

Love ,
on 1/28/09 7:33 am - Fort Worth, TX
Revision on 05/20/15 with
Hi Lisa

Good luck with those goals, you can do them.  I have decided that I am starting the year over on February 1st.  January just wasn't a good month, so I want to start 2009 over. 

Prior to New Year's I kept saying 2009 was going to be my year and it would be great.  Well got the flu on new years eve, got laid-of last Saturday, and everyone I've talked to has had some time of bad news this month. 

If you want we can help keep each other motivated and positive.  Things are going to get better and 2009 will be our year. 

Anyone who says sunshine brings happiness has never danced in the rain.- Author unknown


Lisa S.
on 1/28/09 7:48 am - Coventry, RI
OMG  I hear yah about  starting the year over.  I think I like that idea.  Guess we can do it together start 2009 Feb 1.  I am all for that.  Best of luck to you my friend.  Keep your chin up about work .  and no more flu. 

I love to keep tab on each other I think that is a good ting much better keeping heathy with groups. 

on 1/28/09 8:21 am - Fort Worth, TX
Revision on 05/20/15 with
A very dear friend gave me a book last May when Home Depot announced their first lay-off of the HR team ..... fortunately I was spared that time.  

I started reading it today; its called "The Rainy Day Book - Pick-me-ups for when you're a little blue!"   It's a bunch of short stories that make you laugh at how some bad / unfortunate things happened to others but the positive that came out of them.  There is a great quote on the back:

With a little optimism and faith, you can still walk - even dance and splash - through the puddles of life, with a smile on your face. 

For the past 4 days I did nothing but cry and mope around my house.  I really loved this job and didn't see it coming at all that HR would take the hit again with lay-offs.  I guess you could say that I've been mourning my loss.  Yesterday I shopped and racked up a large amount in theraputic shopping. 

But today I got up and thought about my job and everyone I worked with.  You know what I realized, I got some great experience there, I have some wonderful memories, and I made some really good friends.  I have a few individuals that I can truely call friend and not just my peer or co-worker.  I've received so many e-mails and calls from them wishing me well, and telling me how shocked they were and how much of a difference I made for them in my year there.  It felt really good to know that I was truely able to make a difference and leave such a positive impression on them.  Everyone is helping me try to find another job, of course we hope I will get recalled by Home Depot but til then I must move on. 

I have faced a lot of challenges from 13 miscarriages to cancer, to losing loved ones, to being laid-off for the 4th time (but only 3 times was I actually let go).  This too shall pass and I will pick myself up and move on.  I read the above quote today and it reminded me of being little and playing in the rain with my grandma as we walked back from the store.  I thought it was the greatest thing to jump in puddles and catch rain drops.  I remembered laughing and having fun with her, and she never saw it as an inconvience just an unfortunate situation  that you have to make the best of.  That is exactly what I plan to do with all that has happened this month. 

So you can just think of me as a little rubber duckie playing in the rain right now. 

Anyone who says sunshine brings happiness has never danced in the rain.- Author unknown


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