Feelin' better so....I'm back to posting!
Hey Peeps!
I have, literally, been out of it since last Saturday night! I have had an intestinal 'thing' going on for seven freakin' days!
Today, I'm finally feeling much better. Actually got dressed and went out with my son, Jordan, today.
I'm exhausted and sore as heck! With all that's gone on with my abdominal muscles this week, I swear it should be counted as crunches!
Anywho, I'm gonna try to catch up on these posts and do my best to help out where I can.
Did I mention....I've lost 6.2 lbs this week because of this!?
The good news is I've exceeded my mini-goal to be the weight that's listed on my driver's license (150 Lbs, what a liar, huh?). As of this morning, I weight 149.6 Lbs!
Only 9.6 Lbs to GOAL!
The bad news is...I'm sure I'll put some on this week once I have completely returned to full solids. Yuck! But I know I'll get there!
I've missed you all!
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