Is there such a thing as sipping to fast?
I was looking over my paperwork from the nut. and it stated "1-2 oz every 15 mins" & "It may take about up to 1 hour to consume 8 oz." However, it doesn't take me that long I can consume 8 to 11 oz. of liquids in 30 mins without feeling sick or any issues. Am I sipping to fast? Am I doing something wrong? I do my best to take small sips but when I'm drinking something hot like broth I tend to hold the cup the entire time and before I know it the cup is empty. Any advise?
Hi Lee,
I would think that you are only sipping too fast if you're taking in a lot of air. Are you uncomfortable when you sip/drink your fluids? If not, I would think that what you're doing is fine. At least you're getting your liquids in!
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Hi Lee, I could sip certain liquids quicker than others. Hot decaf tea goes down really easy. I tend to drink tea fast and never had a problem. I do burp at times, but no really discomfort. Hot broth also went down really easy. Anything hot goes down well and fast. I try to put the mug down in between sips, however it feels so good to hold on to the warm mug. Hope all is well.