Bad Luck?

Laura B.
on 1/11/09 8:32 am - RI
I guess I'm just having a streak of bad luck... and I'm having a hard time dealing with all of this. Thursday I am told that my entire department is being laid off in 60 days, so as of March 10th, I dont have a job. Then yesterday I woke up to one of my cats, Shadow, vomiting. Joe and I took him to the vet and we ended up having to put him to sleep. I've been crying since yesterday on and off about Shadow and since Thursday about work.

It's times like these that I would have turned to food for comfort and now I dont have that.

Sorry to be a downer but I could really use your support. I'm assuming its only going to get worse before it gets better.

Romeo L.
on 1/11/09 8:40 am - Warren, RI
AWWWWW I am sorry to hear what you have been going thru I know how you feel about your cat I had to put down our family cat that we had for 15 years, you ever see a grown man cry?, As to work boy the economy is so bad it is sad so many people are losing there jobs, when it picks up again I hope your job is available for you, until then keep busy don't think food think happy thoughts.
send you a big

Lisa S.
on 1/11/09 9:06 am - Coventry, RI

Laura, i am sorry to hear about your bad luck. 
 Sorry to hear about your cat.  I know how that feels. I had to put my cat down a few years ago.   Since I have no kids my cat was like one to me.  Sorry to hear about the job too. who knows maybe in the time you have left you can find something else or they might change there minds. I will keep you in my prays. 
If you need someone to talk to I am here.  Your not a downer if you can't come to your friends who cna you go to  this is what friends are for.  You support us we support you.  what go around come around so I am here as i know others are here for you too.

Ok I am typing with one hand so if anything is missed spelled or running together and I missed it sorry.  have hand in a sling.


on 1/11/09 9:17 am - Fort Worth, TX
Revision on 05/20/15 with
Hi Laura

Sorry to hear what's going on.  Seems like when it rains it pours.

I've been laid of 3 times now and it sucks.  My first time I had been with my company for 7 years and it was a total shock to me.  The 2nd time I asked for the voluntary lay-off, and the 3rd time was 6 weeks after I joined Home Depot.  All in-store HR positions were eliminated and we had to reapply to become traveling HR managers that would support 7 - 10 stores.  I didn't think I had a chance in hell since I had only been there 6 weeks, but fate was smiling on me and I've been with the company now almost a year and love my job. 

After each lay-off I have landed a better position and moved up in the HR field.  Its tough but things will work out.

Not sure what type of work you will be looking for or what area you want to work in, but my husband Matt has a full-time day position availabe.  It is a donor information specialist position working doing entry and review of records that are collected at the collection site - oh by the way he works for the Red Cross and the position is located in Dedham right off 128.  We live in Fall River and it takes me about an hour to get there.  Good thing is the position is either 5am - 1:30pm or 6am - 2:30pm so you miss all the traffic - about 40 - 45 minutes from Roger Williams.  If your interested or want to know how to apply email me directly.  

I'll keep my ears open and if I hear about any jobs in the area through other HR managers I network with I'll let you know. 

Anyone who says sunshine brings happiness has never danced in the rain.- Author unknown


Vicky S.
on 1/11/09 11:22 am - Taunton, MA
I'm so sorry to hear about both... your cat and your job, Laura.

I know the feeling.  When it rains.... it pours.

Good things happen to good people, so I have faith you'll land on your feet and in a better positon.

"You must begin to think of yourself as becoming the person you want to be." ~ David Viscott   


on 1/11/09 3:27 pm - MA
I am so so so sorry to hear about your cat. I def. know how hard it is as only a few months ago we lost spike. I am soso sorry don't forget I am always here if you need anything. I know it is hard but in time you will be okay.
As far as work I cannot really comment because I am in the same situation. All I can say is with every door that closes a new one opens and all we can hope for is that something better will come out of it. I was upset at first and then started thinking maybe this is a chance to explore and really say " What do I want to do with my life". Just keep your head up you will be fine you are smart and have allot of experience that will get you very far!!!
If you need anything please let me know.
Love ya,

RNY 10/16/2008--Panniculectomy 12/01/2008 Start--439 RNY-200--Panni 185

on 1/11/09 7:50 pm - Warwick, RI
Sorry to hear things are not going well right now,  things will get better! (we all need to believe it will)

Julie Nolan
on 1/12/09 2:02 am - RI

Oh Honey,

I'm so sorry you're going through this. What a test, huh? Seems you're doing the right thing though. Instead of turning to food, you're turning to us.

Joe must be feeling so crappy too.

Okay, some positives to think about.....

You have Joe

You have us to come to

You have your wonderful parents

You have all these years of experience in your field, you can get a job ANYwhere!

You can take six months of unemployment and get through the ENTIRE summer without having to work!

You can take a breather from your hellacious schedule and catch up on friends and family visits!

You can continue your schooling without the hassles of working full-time!

I'm calling you right now my Angel!

I love you!



For Info about Rhode Island Support Groups, please email me!  [email protected]

Laura B.
on 1/12/09 2:50 am - RI

Julie...  after I read your message I checked my cell and sure enough - 1 missed call - I love you!!!  You are amazing. 

You're right about the good points its just a really scary time right now with the economy the way it is - there arent many jobs out there and I really like my job so it is disheartening...

I'm definitely going to take the time to catch up with friends and take a break from my busy schedule.  I did find out that unemployment offers a tuition waiver so hopefully I can take full advantage of that and go to school full time while I'm looking for a job... 

I'll call you later.  Talk to you soon!


on 1/12/09 3:40 am - Cranston, RI


I'm so sorry to hear both about your kitty and about you losing your job.  I have seen it so many times over the years there.  It even happened to me. Are you going to get  a severance?  That will help tide things over until you can find something else.  You have lots of skills.  I think the idea of getting some school time in while you have the chance is a great one! 

Huggs!!!  We're here for you!



 When you get older, you realize it's a lot less about your place in the world but your place in you.  It's not how everyone views you, but how you view yourself.  - Natalie Portman

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