Day before surgery...

on 1/7/09 2:36 am, edited 1/7/09 2:36 am - Cranston, RI

I know the day before surgery we are to ONLY drink the shakes and NOT to eat at fact I am thinking doing Sun and Monday all shakes.

I had a quick question....We do not have to take anyting else though correct, like some of the stuff they know help clear us out??    I don't remember Dr G saying anything like that nor did my pre-op sheet say anything but wasn't sure how old those instructions were and just wanted to get feedback from my family here...


Pre-Op loss 130 lbs   Post-Op loss 93 lbs

Julie Nolan
on 1/7/09 3:24 am - RI

Hello Irrestible Rob!

Hee hee

The answer to your question would be NO! You do not have to take anything or do anything to cleanse your system the days prior to the surgery.

By drinking full liquids the day before, you're basically cleansing your small intestines anyway by not adding any solid waste. You'll still have some waste down there but that will most likely be in your large intestines or further along by then. No worries, k?

You really don't have to do full shakes for two days prior. That's up to you but my thought was "I'm not gonna have to/be able chew my food for a while after surgery. I'm gonna have another chewable meal while I still can".

I also didn't want to put myself into starvation mode to quickly. I wanted to have all the strength I could muster up for the immediate post-op recovery period.

I just followed the recommended plan and stuck to it. And did just fine.

You've been there, done that when it comes to shakes. Any modifications you make are totally up to you and your doc.

Six more days!!!



For Info about Rhode Island Support Groups, please email me!  [email protected]

on 1/7/09 3:27 am - cranston, RI
I had my surgery 12/30,   The prior day I just did liquids, took nothing else.   The day of the surgery I took a sip of water to wash down a pill for my anxiety.  I did not take my vitamins not sure if I should have or not but they are huge and did not want to risk having the surgery cancelled.    If you notice in the packet it indicates if a food  tray is deliverd to you in the hospital "refuse it" which I did but that is Dr. Pohls rules not Dr. G, she told me that I could have ate it, the tray included broth, protein shake, tea, and jello.   I am 8 days post op and feel great except for a stabbing pain on my left side which feels like a burning pulling sensation.   I bought an abdominal binder which is working well.   Dont be shy about taking your pain meds, stay ahead of the pain.

Good luck
on 1/7/09 3:46 am - RI
I had my surgery on 12/16 by dr. giovanni and no, you def do not have to take anything. If you have meds, just take what the pre op testing anesthesiologist told you for that day, w/the smallest sip of water ever. And i only did the liquid the day before, no other time full liquid for a day. You wanna enjoy your last meal for a while, even if it is not much. You will do well and it will be hard at first, i know i had some trouble, but you will even out eventually. The only annoyance, and pain you will really feel is a bad pain in your left side, but i am week three out and it is pretty much all gone. Huzzah! If you need anything don't hesitate to tell me, i will help w/whatever i can!


Even after several years, still taking it a day at a time. No matter what, though, I'm here if you need me!

on 1/7/09 8:55 pm - Charlotte, NC
Just wanted to say WOOOOOT on your upcoming surgery and let you know that I'm sending wonderful thoughts and good karma your way!

on 1/9/09 6:03 am - Warwick, RI
Rob I am so excited for you!  I have been thinking about you and counting the days along with you.  It is really here.  It is YOUR time now.  The wait is over!   Halleluia!!  My prayers and thoughts will be with you throughout.  Hope to see you at a meeting soon!   Eldy
on 1/9/09 9:50 am - Johnston, RI
I just had my surgery on Jan. 6th, I did nothing but liquids the day before surgery but did have one last light meal on Jan 4th. I pulled though the surgery with flying colors and didn't even need any pain meds. You'll do fine good luck and keep us posted  Just make sure you get put on the 4th floor if you are going to Roger Williams, the nursing staff is the best!

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