3 week pani removal check/wow moment!!!!
Hi Yall First Merry Christmas to you all and your family!!! So I went for my 3 week and it turns out that most of the swelling was a build up of fluid. Hubby was there and said the doc took at least 10 30ml syringe fulls of fluid out...
so the swelling has gone down to half now and I am finally starting to see the difference!!! YAAAA!! Okay so the other wow moment I have always been afraid to go into H&M and NY&C so I was out with my mom the other day and went into both and even with the swelling the clothes fit I got some cute underwear (normal ones)LOL and a cute top for when I go back to work. It was a nice pick me up as you all know I have been so bummed. Well Thanxs for listening!!
Happy Holidays!!!
Love ya'll--Diana

Happy Holidays!!!
Love ya'll--Diana
Sounds like the WOW moments are finally rolling in for you! Good for YOU! You deserve the best!
Happy New Year!
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Hi Diana,
Congratulations on your great success.
Your posting caught my eye because I am looking at a panni or tummy tuck in the near future. I started at 366 pounds and had my surgery in June 07. I am currently 188 pounds. At 180 I plan to have the surgery along with a mid thigh lift. Those two surgeries should take off at least 15-20 pounds leaving me between 160-165. I'll be more then happy to stay right there!!!
Hope you don't mind a few questions. Like, who did your plastic surgery? Did your insurance cover? Why the panni rather than a tummy tuck?
Congratulations on your great success.
Your posting caught my eye because I am looking at a panni or tummy tuck in the near future. I started at 366 pounds and had my surgery in June 07. I am currently 188 pounds. At 180 I plan to have the surgery along with a mid thigh lift. Those two surgeries should take off at least 15-20 pounds leaving me between 160-165. I'll be more then happy to stay right there!!!
Hope you don't mind a few questions. Like, who did your plastic surgery? Did your insurance cover? Why the panni rather than a tummy tuck?
Karen B
It's my life
It's now or never
I ain't gonna live forever
I Just want to live while I'm alive
It's my life
It's now or never
I ain't gonna live forever
I Just want to live while I'm alive