Feeling bummed need to vent..help????

Oh Honey!
You poor thing! I feel so bad for you! I wish I could take it all away for you!
Well, we will do our best to make you feel much better when you come to the meeting tomorrow. I have lots of hugs and smooches with your name on them!
Sorry you haven't had many visitors. Must be the busy time of year that's keeping them all away.
You knew there would be a lot of swelling and that it would last a while. It's only been a couple weeks. When my sister-in-law had her's done, it took about two months before she really began to feel 'normal'. It was about a month before she could sit comfy in ANY pants, let alone the pants she had put aside especially for after this surgery.
This is just the beginning of your flat belly journey, Honey. You can vent with us ANY time, k? You have my number...call me ANY time! Want some company? Call me ANY time!
See you tomorrow night!
Love ya kiddo!
For Info about Rhode Island Support Groups, please email me! [email protected]
I really do need to call you. You always have words of wisdom to say and make people feel so much better. I have a tough time on the phone don't know why just not a phone person I can txt crazy fast though LOL. Thank You again you are awesome.
Vent away - this is what we are hear for!

Take Care
Hi Diana,
Your so welcome. I am doing well with the hip back to work for the past 2 weeks. I pull my back out with the shovel this weekend that is hurting but I am sure it will get better. Vacation in Maine now OMG You must love the cold and snow. My family is from Houlton Maine. My Aunt told me today in email they have so much snow now and they have not even hit Jan. yet. lol... I like Maine but not this time of year. Well, if I don't see yah before Christmas have a nice one and a great New Year.
Take care,
Sorry that you feel so crappy...Do you still need Pain meds? Keeping the binder on will help with the swelling and also HELP in keeping away HERNIAS! I know, we think that we can do all things, and for the most part we do, but we are really hurting ourselves in ways that we can't see until later and the damage has been done :>(
Sorry I can' t come and see you, no driving for me for another week or so....I can relate to the bordom that takes place in the place that we crave as we work the daily grind! Home is nice, but outside is so much better!!!
Today is just one more step in your journey, look back and see how far you have come! I do not like to look at my "fat" pictures first, because then I think, life was not so bad, I was "healthy, happy,active" ...at least that is what I thought, and convinved myself of,
What I really like to do is look at much younger pictures of myself when I was not "Super Morbidly Obese" or any other title that would have had me running for cover if it were announced over a loud speaker!, so I look at pictures of me in Jr High and HS. (I think I was in the 160-180 range) and then I start my reminising from there...I see how my body changed, wonder why I didn't notice (or care) and then, and only then do I remember the REAL feelings I had in the privacy of my own mind...the pain and hurt, the HAVING to accept a different dress, standing in the back, hiding...always hiding....(sounds depressing...but wait!!!!!)
THEN I take out pictures of me from the past few months. I can just now start to see some of the change. It is not a humongous change, but still, it is a change. I see a more confidant me, a more determined me. I see a ME who wants to shine and never hide again.
Will I ever have the "beach body" I don't know, but that is not my goal...my goal is to blend...not stand out. Because in hiding, I stood out, and I don't want to stand out in anyone's mind...not as the "fat girl" or as the skinny *****
(Although being skinny might be nice :P)
You have come so far...you are an inspiration to all of us! Keep on SHINING!!!!!!
I hope I encouraged you a little. Take Care and keep in touch.
Yes I still am taking the pain meds. I went from taking the two every four to six hours to taking one and the two at night to just taking two if I was going out to finally now just one as needed which has been one a day!! I know I don't ever take my binder off unless I take a shower it actually feels a little better on but it is getting a little aggravating now.
Yea I still cannot drive yet either I will find out on Tuesday we will see.
I think you just have to find what keeps you motivated. I have never been normal weight so I cannot look back and say that. The only time was when I was first born I was a Preemie other than that I always had a weight problem. I look at the progression from my highest weight to all the afters.
I think the same I will never have a beach body but I am healthy and happy and that is what matters:)
Thank You again I appreciate it you did make me feel better thank you.
--hugs Diana