on 12/3/08 7:20 am - Warwick, RI
hey friends!  I need to talk.  I went to the cardiologist yesterday because my last stress test i sent in is outdated.  This is the last thing needed done until the surgery.  Everything is all set, including the insurance approval.  Well, I passed the stress test and ECG.  However, she did not give me clearance for the surgery.  She said by blood pressure was too high.  I was very disappointed.  In fact, afterward i drove around and cried before i went to Karate and get my aggressions out.  So now i am on my THIRD blood pressure pill.  I have to see her again January 13th.  She said unless my pressure is down she won't give me clearance then either.   So last night on my way to work i was trying to figure out why it was so high (190 systolic).  Well, then it hit me like a ton of bricks!   I have been buying this meals called "compleat meals" by Hormel.  I can keep them in my locker so if i get hungry i will have them.  I have been eating these alot lately.  Almost every night i work.  I checked the nutritional label and saw that it has . . .   ready for this?. . .  over 1200 mg of sodium!!!!  Holy Saltlick Batman!  No wonder my blood pressure was high.  So guess whats up for grabs at work!  I just hope my blood pressure will be down by then.  I feel so much time has passed and its taking so long.  Thanks for the vent moment.   Talk to you later!  Eldy
Julie Nolan
on 12/3/08 10:19 am - RI


I'm so sorry you're going through this! Better to be safe than sorry though, right? I know you agree but it doesn't help you feel any better knowing the surgery will be held off a bit longer. I promise you, it's very worth the wait.

Salt, what a sneaky critter! I guess it's time to start packin' sandwiches and fruit for work, huh?

Meanwhile, we are here for you!

I hope you feel better about this soon.



For Info about Rhode Island Support Groups, please email me!  [email protected]

on 12/3/08 11:18 am - N Scituate, RI
sodium- I think they cram all they can into any prepackaged meal.  Best bet for the grocery store- walk the perimeter- avoid the junk on the inner aisles.  On the perimeter is the produce, meats, seafood and frozen.   Your best food bets are here.

Add some bananas into your diet as well- they naturally help to reduce blood pressure.

best of luck!

on 12/4/08 4:09 am - Warwick, RI
Thanks for the encouragement.  I am trying to be patient.  Yes I am taking natural food now.  I took a small veggie platter last night so we could all enjoy some real food for a change. 
I didn't know that about bananas.  I am defintely getting some.  I am detemined to have better results in January!  I have come to far to let it get to me now! 
Vicky S.
on 12/4/08 4:42 am - Taunton, MA

I'm so sorry you've hit another delay, but it is so much better to err on the side of caution.  I'm with the doc on this one.  Especially since you've isolated the culprit... that darn "saltlick"!  Slow and steady wins the race....  not the easiest to abide by, but so true.

Take care and keep on "keepin' on"....


"You must begin to think of yourself as becoming the person you want to be." ~ David Viscott   


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