100 lbs GONE!
Hey Everyone!
Thank you so much for all your kind words and your support! I really, truly don't know where I would be without you!
As for what will I do to celebrate? Hubby is buying me a Schwinn Cruiser Bike!!! And I need some clothes too so I'm heading to Savers tomorrow.
I'm having a really hard time with my mirror image/ my self-image. I can't quite place myself where others place me as a thinner me. Know what I mean?
I know I've lost 100 lbs and I'm ecstatic about it! I see the sizes going down, the skin hanging instead of the fat hanging, I feel better, etc. Along with it all, I feel weird, kinda uncomfortable...exposed, I guess you could say.
So, I'm reading a book called "Joining the THIN CLUB" by Judith Lederman and Larina Kase, Psy.D.
This book offers advice for every aspect of your new life, from handling compliments and reconciling the inner you with the new outer you, to negotiating social eating and keeping exercise interesting. All the common fears and challenges that you, as someone who is losing or has lost weight, will face are addressed.
I hope it helps. If it does, I'll be happy to share the information and loan the book out to anyone who wants to check it out.
God Bless you ALL!
See you either at the RIH meeting Wednesday or the RW on Thursday!
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