The transformation begins/ 3 days in counting--
Hi Everyone HAPPY Turkey Day!!!
I have put up a new Avatar let me know what you think. I am no longer Blondie I have gone back to brunet have not been since high school. Thought Hubby would freak as in the 8 years we have been together I think only twice I was brunet but he loves it, he said it shows off your beautiful eyes that made me fall even more in Love with you!! AWWW
I Love him so much!! I have put some new pics up take a peek!
I also just wanted to say quickly it is now 3 days until my surgery I go in on Monday. I am very exited cant even imagine what it is going to be like to not have a belly.. WOW but I am still also nervous hubby is so awesome and patient with reassuring me and being there don't know what I would do with out him
. Well I will try to post again before Monday hope ya ll have a great weekend!!!
Hi D!
You look so awesome! And Paul is right about your eyes. They show even more now.
I can't believe your surgery is next week! Wow, it seemed to come fast!
Can you have someone post to us and let us know how you are?
I know you're nervous and excited all at once. You're gonna do just fine! You have such a great support system and you're truly a wonderful young lady.
John and I are thinking about you!
For Info about Rhode Island Support Groups, please email me! [email protected]
It's another major transformation in your life and you are so deserving! I'm so happy for you, I know that this has been a long road and you have truly been my inspiration and I love you! I'll be at the hospital and your house to visit and help take care of you! If you need anything, you let me know!
PS - recover quickly - I miss you terribly!
Good Luck to you all. Carol B