Our house was broken into yesterday...

on 11/22/08 1:12 am - Providence, RI
Just what I need to be dealing with at 7 1/2 months pregnant and before the holidays, right?? My husband came home in the afternoon and found one of our downstairs windows smashed - right in the view of the busy street we live on! They took a lot of small electronics: two iPods, an LCD TV, our videocamera, our Wii (!!) and a few pieces of my jewelry. Luckily, there wasn't anything particularly sentimental, except for the tape that was in our camera of the kids dance recitals this past spring and Ava's preschool Halloween parade. 

We're thinking of getting an alarm system put in...I'm so paranoid now because I'm home alone with the kids a lot. I can't believe that these ******** actually got away with it! The police didn't find any fingerprints. Figures.

At least they didn't take my computer, right?? LOL

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Lisa S.
on 11/22/08 3:33 am - Coventry, RI
I am sorry to hear what happen too you and your family.  That really Sucks big time.  I will say a pray that they find the jerk or jerks who did this. 

Julie Nolan
on 11/22/08 3:41 am - RI

OMG! That's horrible! I'm so sorry to learn this!  Pissed 

We have a security system. We use Monitronics. I love it! Motion detectors and all. I would feel really uncomfortable without it.

I hope you're able to recover, at least, the monitary value of your losses.

Man, that sucks....my thoughts are with you and my prayers are with you that you will get your tape back too.

I'm glad you and your family are safe!



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on 11/22/08 4:18 am - Cranston, RI

OMG Krista!  I'm so sorry this happened to you.  When we lived in Nashville, and I was 4 months pregnant with my son, our house was also broken into and they stole tons of our stuff.....Guns, jewelry, 200 CD's(my entire collection) cameras and lenses, etc.....It is the WORST feeling in the world to know that someone came into our home and took things that we worked hard to have.  I am SO sorry, I know the feelings you must be having right now.  I felt so violated.  We got a security system after our break in, and it helped us to feel more secure.  Again, so sorry to hear your news.




 When you get older, you realize it's a lot less about your place in the world but your place in you.  It's not how everyone views you, but how you view yourself.  - Natalie Portman

Danielle V.
on 11/22/08 7:52 am - Cranston, RI
OMG Krista!!  I am so so sorry!! 

Danielle V. - Now Overweight!!!

on 11/22/08 1:24 pm - Cranston, RI
I am so sorry to hear about your break in. This time of the year is when homes will start getting broken into.  I would call one of those security companies and have one installed, or buy a big big dog.  Also, your basement windows you should put blocks with nails in them so when they step down they step right on the spikes. I hope they find you things. Maybe they will show up at a pawn shop and they will get caught.

on 11/22/08 10:06 pm - Fort Worth, TX
Revision on 05/20/15 with
So sorry to hear what happend, I hope they are able to find the person and recover your things.  Hopefully you will be able to recover monetarily through your home owners insurance.

Maybe one of the other parents at the school or from the dance recital can make you a copy of their video. 

Anyone who says sunshine brings happiness has never danced in the rain.- Author unknown


Laura B.
on 11/23/08 2:55 am - RI
Krista - I'm so sorry that this has happened to you and your family! What a horrible thing to have to deal with at any time, let alone right now. It really sucks. I'm so sorry.
Vicky S.
on 11/23/08 11:27 pm - Taunton, MA
OMG... that's such a frightening experience!!  I'm so sorry you have to deal with this now Krista.  You certainly don't need that added stress at this time in your life (or any other time really!).  I think an alarm system is a smart idea.  They really aren't that expensive when you take into consideration the feeling of safety it gives to you and your family.

"You must begin to think of yourself as becoming the person you want to be." ~ David Viscott   


Angela H.
on 11/24/08 5:34 am - Bristol, RI
I'm so sorry Krista! Is there anything that was taken that you need? I have several TV's if you need one, so just yell! If theres anything I can do just give me a call!

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