It has been almost three years since I got my band and I am still amazed when I see a picture of myself. This is my new AnnTaylor Loft dress with my fav shoes EVER!! I wore it out to dinner for my hubby's B-day this month. It is a Size 10!! On an everyday type basis I guess I don't feel as small as I am. But seriously - sometimes when I see a picture like this or catch a glimps in the mirror - I am like - Amazing!!!! (Yes I dyed my hair a very dark brown recently - like it?)

You look Wonderful!! Check out those legs!! I love the dark hair! I'm so proud of you. You have come such a long way....even to the point of running a marathon! Wow, what a great 3 yrs for you.
When you get older, you realize it's a lot less about your place in the world but your place in you. It's not how everyone views you, but how you view yourself. - Natalie Portman
WOW! *whistle* *whistle*!
I love your hair, the outfit AND the MaryJane shoes. You look absolutely fabulous!
You have such a great smile too!
You're beautiful!
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On October 19, 2008 at 5:07 AM Pacific Time, Danielle V. wrote:
It has been almost three years since I got my band and I am still amazed when I see a picture of myself. This is my new AnnTaylor Loft dress with my fav shoes EVER!! I wore it out to dinner for my hubby's B-day this month. It is a Size 10!! On an everyday type basis I guess I don't feel as small as I am. But seriously - sometimes when I see a picture like this or catch a glimps in the mirror - I am like - Amazing!!!! (Yes I dyed my hair a very dark brown recently - like it?)
You look great! Cant wait to see you after plastics!