Appointment with Dr. Roye on Friday
Not sure what to do???
Dr. Roye seems very busy by what I've read on this board from all of you. Taking that into consideration...I would see the NP. This may not be the last time you run into a situation like this so you'll always have that second option available. If you never go, you'll never know. Dr. Roye's a great surgeon...I don't think he'd leave his patients in band hands.
Good luck and let us know what you decided and how it went.
Wow - Annette asked you how you were doing and said that about needing another fill? or did you actually see Kathy. Whoever said it that is a pretty inappropriate comment to make.
I have been doing ok but like you am fighting for it. I feel like i'm on a diet all the time and this has not worked in the past. I know that I can eat probably about 2 to 3 cups of food but I just don't. I am not hungry most of the moring and early afternoon, but then at night it feels like I don't even have a band. I am so hungry from 4:00 on. I haven't really lost for a couple of weeks now and I'm starting to get discouraged. I know that this is normal, but it is still discouraging.
I am feeling like a COMPLETE failure at this and have been in a bad funk over this. I do what I am supposed to am am seeing no results. I am really at the point of basically giving up and chalking up another complete failure over weight loss. Sorry to be such a downer
ps- I am still seeing Kathleen Friday at at 2pm
What a witch!!!!! You are absolutely right. She has no right to say that to patients. Just what you need when you are feeling bad about the whole thing is to have someone make you feel worse! Isn't the point to keep getting fills until you reach restriction? Is she a doctor just moonlighting as a secretary!!! I can't believe that she said that to you!
I am trying to change my appointment and she said "well I would have offered you other times when I talked to you earlier but you took the friday and now you'll have to wait until sometime in November" Now everytime we have Friday appointments it seems that we get moved to Tuesday anyway so I truly do not believe that there are not appointments for me for another month. There is absolutely no wiggle rooom with this office. I know that he is very busy and I know that she must get a lot of crap from patients, but I have never missed, changed, or complianed about an appointment being changed on me and now I can't go and treated like crap?
You are definately not a failure. You have a tool that is not working right for you and your doctor is supposed to help you figure it out - not get crap from his secretary. Maybe Kathleen can shed some light on your situation. You have come this far - don't give up now. I know that it is hard to stay positive but maybe this fill will be your sweet spot (hopefully so you don't have to pu out Annette and come back again!!!)
I don't think I'll see you Friday. I can get two hours of sick time I need to go to the appointment unless I call in sick for the day and mess everyone up. Today I'm feeling selfish and leaning towards calling in but I will probably just call the"Band Police" and reschedule for some time before I turn 40!!!