Sleep Apnea GONE!!!!
Yippy Skippy!
When I went for my first sleep study, prior to surgery, I was diagnosed with Sleep Apnea.
I literally stopped breathing an average of 96 times a minute!
I had another sleep study and was set up with a C-Pap machine at a level of 18.
About six weeks post-op, I noticed I was waking up with a 'full' feeling in my belly. Subsequently, my C-Pap machine level was lowered to 10.
I had, once again, noticed the same 'full' feeling and called my pulmonologist who decided to send me for another sleep study to get an update.
Well....I only 'pause' my breathing an average of 4.9 times per minute now! Which is close enough to normal to say....I NO LONGER HAVE SLEEP APNEA!!!
I've packed it up and have it waiting by the door for the company to come pick it up!
Yippee Kahyay!!
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Congrats again - what a big relief not to have to sleep with that machine on!
Thanks so much everyone!
Hey, anyone going to Angela's for the Halloween Party this Saturday?
I got my costume yesterday!
Please go! It'll be fun!
For Info about Rhode Island Support Groups, please email me!