How bad was the Endoscopy?
I was a MESS before mine, and honest - I am not sugar coating or lying in any way - it was NOTHING!!!! When I got there, they put in the IV...worst part of the whole thing. They took me into the room, I laid on the table, the nurse (I think his name was Ed) in there was a Master Gardener and so am I, so we chatted about that..then he told me Good Nite....I felt medicine go into the IV, and I relaxed...then the next thing I recall was then waking me up in the recovery room. A total pieve of cake...seriously, not sugar coated , no lie. When I got home that day, I slept it off and was fine the next day. Please don't worry....I promise, it was NOTHING!!!!!
When you get older, you realize it's a lot less about your place in the world but your place in you. It's not how everyone views you, but how you view yourself. - Natalie Portman
Ditto for me!
Easy Peasy Lemon Squeezy!
I just went home and slept a few hours. My throat was a little sore but nothing too bad!
Try to relax if you can.
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Like everyone said, it was easy. The hardest part for me was making me gargle with this stuff that numbs your throat to get rid of the gag reflex. I had to do it 3x because I guess I have a really strong reflex. I also am a HUGE baby w/ anything liquid. I cant take cold meds, or any liquid meds because I hate the taste. Once they got me numb, I was fine and off to La LA land I went. When you wake up they have to make sure you can swallow before they let you leave.
Good luck!
Good luck!