Just call me a dummy. Mad with myself

Good luck to you. Your doing great!

This is exactly why I always plan a substitute when someone else is going to eat something I know is not right for me.
For instance, I make onion dip with FF sour cream and use baked lays (only one helping of lays though - like 15 chips?). This completely satisfies me.
Now, popcorn with butter....Aaaargh! That's a tough one. I dumped on it and will probably never eat it with butter again (at least not in the future I have in my mind's plans). When this happened, I paid for it all the way up to the next day with the diarrhea! YUCK!
You're smart by not eating something right away. I'm glad to hear you are thinking protein. Good Job!
Like you said, you're only human. And we all test the waters from time-to-time. Just be careful not to dive in without looking out for the sink holes!
Love ya!
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