Incision question - sorry if gross

on 9/22/08 5:06 am - Cranston, RI

Hey everybody...I have a question about the incisions.  Dr Pohl covered them with that tape, and then covered that tape with gauze and more tape.  I knew I could remove the gauze and top tape when I got home, and did before taking a shower.  Since then, tho I have left the first layer of tape on the incisions themselves.  I have been showering and patting that dry.  No ooozing or bleeding or anything like that going on.  Can I remove this tape? When?  Or should I leave it on? I am not too strong about stuff like this, but my husband loves science experiments, so tape removal would be considered that in his book.  Help, I don't know how to handle this part of my recovery.  I'm a little squimish here.

Thanks family!



 When you get older, you realize it's a lot less about your place in the world but your place in you.  It's not how everyone views you, but how you view yourself.  - Natalie Portman

on 9/22/08 5:40 am - RI
Congrats on your surgery!!
I had Dr. Roye and he used some tape/glue stuff. I did not touch at all!! I would suggest leaving it alone and letting it fall off on it's own. that may be all that's holding you incision together. God luck on your recovery and next week you will feel NORMAL!!

Weight loss since surgury 6/26/08-I Love my Realize band!!

on 9/22/08 7:35 am - Cranston, RI
Good answer.  Just what I wanted to hear.  Thanks!


 When you get older, you realize it's a lot less about your place in the world but your place in you.  It's not how everyone views you, but how you view yourself.  - Natalie Portman

Helen S.
on 9/22/08 6:55 am - Riverside, RI
Hi Cara,

Definately leave the tape on.  It is helping hold your incision together.  As time goes by it will dry out, get flakey and start to fall off on its own.  Sounds like you are doing well. 
on 9/22/08 7:36 am - Cranston, RI

Thanks for telling me what I wanted to hear.. Too squeemish to do anything more anyway,

Feeling better today....looks like I am on the way back. :o)


 When you get older, you realize it's a lot less about your place in the world but your place in you.  It's not how everyone views you, but how you view yourself.  - Natalie Portman

Danielle V.
on 9/22/08 7:27 am - Cranston, RI
They had told me to just wait for it to fall off....but if you are not sure.  Call the office and let them tell you for sure.... 
Danielle V. - Now Overweight!!!
on 9/22/08 7:38 am - Cranston, RI
That's exactly what I am gonna do then!  And happy to do so.  Thanks!


 When you get older, you realize it's a lot less about your place in the world but your place in you.  It's not how everyone views you, but how you view yourself.  - Natalie Portman

Julie Nolan
on 9/22/08 7:45 am - RI

We're supposed to wait until it falls off. However, once one side of the tape came off and 'cleared' the actual incision, I feel that it's safe to peel the rest off once out of the shower. No need letting it hang there when it's done serving it's purpose.

When is your follow-up with the doc?

Love ya!


For Info about Rhode Island Support Groups, please email me!  [email protected]

on 9/22/08 8:02 am - Cranston, RI

Thanks!  I'm so glad I asked this question...I knew the experts would reply and I would feel much better.  You did, and I do!  hehehe!

My follow-up is not until Oct 9 and I also get to see Heather on Oct 7, even before Dr Pohl.  I've got to tell you, I know things will change, but I am SO full right now.  I don't know how I am gonna get past the liquids to the food stage.  I figured it up and I have had less than 200 calories today.  Trip! I still have another shake to drink to get to # 3....It's gonna be later tonite, cos I can't even think of doing it now.  Whew!

Back atcha baby!


 When you get older, you realize it's a lot less about your place in the world but your place in you.  It's not how everyone views you, but how you view yourself.  - Natalie Portman

Lisa S.
on 9/22/08 9:04 am - Coventry, RI

  Let them come off on there own.  They will fall off on there own.  I was told by my mother-n- law who is a nurse  not to pull them off and that they will  peel off on there own.   They help keep the site closed and to heal to stay closed. 


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