Pre-op Diet
Hi, just a quick question.
Dr Pohl told me that I needed to start my pre-op diet on Tuesday (9/16)...well that didn't happen, and then on Wed, I didn't think I would be in the hospital so long, so when we were leaving, I was starving. My husband took me out to D&B. Yeah, I ate it all...but no dessert.
So Thursday was going to be the start, and all went well until the evening! And as for today...well it went to hell in a hand basket by lunch.
I think..."this is it, I will never be able to eat (Chinese food, ice cream, lobster, rice, mashed potatoes, Chips, chocolate, chinese food ~yes that again!) so now I am feeling quite deprived.
I see the nutrionist on Monday...someone new, so I hope that she has GOOD insight!
I know that Dr Pohl won't do the surgery if I eat anything other than liquid the day before, and if I am not NPO as of midnight that day....which is OCTOBER 1st.
Thanks for any suggestions, rules, scoldings....what do I do?
Dr Pohl told me that I needed to start my pre-op diet on Tuesday (9/16)...well that didn't happen, and then on Wed, I didn't think I would be in the hospital so long, so when we were leaving, I was starving. My husband took me out to D&B. Yeah, I ate it all...but no dessert.
So Thursday was going to be the start, and all went well until the evening! And as for today...well it went to hell in a hand basket by lunch.
I think..."this is it, I will never be able to eat (Chinese food, ice cream, lobster, rice, mashed potatoes, Chips, chocolate, chinese food ~yes that again!) so now I am feeling quite deprived.
I see the nutrionist on Monday...someone new, so I hope that she has GOOD insight!
I know that Dr Pohl won't do the surgery if I eat anything other than liquid the day before, and if I am not NPO as of midnight that day....which is OCTOBER 1st.
Thanks for any suggestions, rules, scoldings....what do I do?
I am gonna be very honest with you. If you are ready for this surgery and really want to get your health back on track and I mean really want too. You will forget on not be able to eat or when will I be able to eat these food I so love to eat. You will do what Dr. Pohl want you to do. Stop looking for a way out. Look you have a gift being give to you. The tool to get you started down the road of good health. To be there for your kids.
When I did my two week fasting that Dr. Pohl wanted. I had a hard time. I didnt follow it to the tee but, I didn't really cheat. Like I said you have to want this surgery. I find now I don't miss some of the food that I use to love so much. I have differant things I love to eat.
Ok here are some of the things you think you can not touch anymore. ice cream. well not at 1st none of that . but down the road once an a while you can have diet ice cream skinny cow is really good eddie diet ice cream is good too. But, once you start loosing the wt. your mind changes. You don't crave them food as much. I know that has happen with me. Cookies. ask donnie on this site about his peanut butter cookies. them you can have and they are so good. Again not all the time but once in a while are good for a treat. Lobster you can have sometime that is loaded with protien mmmmm.. I just had that a few weeks ago. Rice , mashed potatoes I have had since my surgery but I really don't have that taste anymore for it. a few bite and I am fine.
My suggestion to you. Take a good look at yourself and deside if this is what you want to do. If you want the surgery. Don't do it if your gonna cheat. After you look at if and you want this or not then and then if you deside to have this. Take it a day at a time. get up in the morning. I would have a protein drink and a 1/2 cup hot ceral. then lunch I have a protien drink. then a small dinner lots of vegi to fill me up with my 4 oz of meat. DRINK lots of water durning the day that help keep you full. You need to do this . It make it less of a shark after the surgery. I will not lie to you the 1st two week before the surgery was my hardess. IF I can do it anyone can. ONE DAY AT A TIME. Start sunday. just look at breakfast once by that then lunch. etc....... once you get by sunday then you can say tomorrow is a new day. ONE DAY AT A TIME. Ruth if you can't do the week and a 1/2 you have left before the surgery then you are not ready for what come after surgery. I think if you put your mind to it you will do it. Just remember I can do this remember sip , sip, sip, and walk , walk , walk, Remember being here for your kids to see them grow. You can do this. Don't let anyone or any food stand in your way of good health.
Just another note. I have done everything I told you to do and look at me I have lost 129lbs since April and as i write this I am sitting here with my 1/2 bagel with low fat cream cheese and coffee. AND I FEEL GREAT..... keep that in mind it can be done.
I am gonna be very honest with you. If you are ready for this surgery and really want to get your health back on track and I mean really want too. You will forget on not be able to eat or when will I be able to eat these food I so love to eat. You will do what Dr. Pohl want you to do. Stop looking for a way out. Look you have a gift being give to you. The tool to get you started down the road of good health. To be there for your kids.
When I did my two week fasting that Dr. Pohl wanted. I had a hard time. I didnt follow it to the tee but, I didn't really cheat. Like I said you have to want this surgery. I find now I don't miss some of the food that I use to love so much. I have differant things I love to eat.
Ok here are some of the things you think you can not touch anymore. ice cream. well not at 1st none of that . but down the road once an a while you can have diet ice cream skinny cow is really good eddie diet ice cream is good too. But, once you start loosing the wt. your mind changes. You don't crave them food as much. I know that has happen with me. Cookies. ask donnie on this site about his peanut butter cookies. them you can have and they are so good. Again not all the time but once in a while are good for a treat. Lobster you can have sometime that is loaded with protien mmmmm.. I just had that a few weeks ago. Rice , mashed potatoes I have had since my surgery but I really don't have that taste anymore for it. a few bite and I am fine.
My suggestion to you. Take a good look at yourself and deside if this is what you want to do. If you want the surgery. Don't do it if your gonna cheat. After you look at if and you want this or not then and then if you deside to have this. Take it a day at a time. get up in the morning. I would have a protein drink and a 1/2 cup hot ceral. then lunch I have a protien drink. then a small dinner lots of vegi to fill me up with my 4 oz of meat. DRINK lots of water durning the day that help keep you full. You need to do this . It make it less of a shark after the surgery. I will not lie to you the 1st two week before the surgery was my hardess. IF I can do it anyone can. ONE DAY AT A TIME. Start sunday. just look at breakfast once by that then lunch. etc....... once you get by sunday then you can say tomorrow is a new day. ONE DAY AT A TIME. Ruth if you can't do the week and a 1/2 you have left before the surgery then you are not ready for what come after surgery. I think if you put your mind to it you will do it. Just remember I can do this remember sip , sip, sip, and walk , walk , walk, Remember being here for your kids to see them grow. You can do this. Don't let anyone or any food stand in your way of good health.
Just another note. I have done everything I told you to do and look at me I have lost 129lbs since April and as i write this I am sitting here with my 1/2 bagel with low fat cream cheese and coffee. AND I FEEL GREAT..... keep that in mind it can be done.
Thank you for your candid advise. I have been working with Dr. Pohl for the last year. When he told me about being on a liquid diet for 2 weeks, I told him I was not sure I could do it, and asked him if I could try the shakes, he agreed. I tried the diet for almost 3 weeks, I lost 20 lbs! I was very happy...I didn't feel so bloated and gross.
From what I understand the reason he wants on the diet 2 weeks before surgery is 2-fold. First, to try to shrink the fatty liver, making surgery easier on our bodies...I think that he could cut someone wide open and just move the liver over to get the job done, but he wants to save people...not put them at a higher risk. Second, he wants us to mentally prepare us for what is ahead...cutting back from the "normal" eating we are used to, and bringing our bodies into a post surgical state of mind. I do get it...I really do. I have so many people here telling better enjoy (Blank), you will never have it again! Well that with pre-surgical jitters...who am I kidding....pre-surgical neurosis...that just makes me question life on the other side! I know that I will never be able to sit down and eat a whole pizza, chicken,pie...whatever. But I never did that before anyway..I just added Carbs before protein, and exercise was at a minimum. Now with the added weight, it makes it harder.
Please don't get me wrong, I am ready to make a change! I am tired of being fat, not being able to find clothes that fit...and if they do, they don't look good! I am tired of being tired when my kids want to go out and play. I am now watching my daughter thicken in the middle...and worry about her. I saw a few photos of "MeltingMama and DeflatingDad"...what surprised me the most was the size of her kids...and they are not teens! She changed her deating habits, but not the habits of the kids...something in that senario is wrong!
I know that change is necessary...I am not looking for a way out, sorry if it sounds that way to you, but there has to be a few people on this site that are so scared of the "unknown" they cancel/post-pone their surgery. I have not done that yet. I want to be one of the people who state..."This was the best desicion of my life I have ever made (for myself)".
I was looking for some assurance that life can still be normal, wondering if I needed to contact Dr Pohl and let him know that I didn't start the pre-op diet when told. I did stay on track today...have to make it through the rest of the day. Maybe this is where an "angel" comes in? Have no clue how to find one, but keep looking.
Well, Thank you for your help, opinion, scolding, and love...we are all in this together, that is the only way I could get through.
Thank you for your candid advise. I have been working with Dr. Pohl for the last year. When he told me about being on a liquid diet for 2 weeks, I told him I was not sure I could do it, and asked him if I could try the shakes, he agreed. I tried the diet for almost 3 weeks, I lost 20 lbs! I was very happy...I didn't feel so bloated and gross.
From what I understand the reason he wants on the diet 2 weeks before surgery is 2-fold. First, to try to shrink the fatty liver, making surgery easier on our bodies...I think that he could cut someone wide open and just move the liver over to get the job done, but he wants to save people...not put them at a higher risk. Second, he wants us to mentally prepare us for what is ahead...cutting back from the "normal" eating we are used to, and bringing our bodies into a post surgical state of mind. I do get it...I really do. I have so many people here telling better enjoy (Blank), you will never have it again! Well that with pre-surgical jitters...who am I kidding....pre-surgical neurosis...that just makes me question life on the other side! I know that I will never be able to sit down and eat a whole pizza, chicken,pie...whatever. But I never did that before anyway..I just added Carbs before protein, and exercise was at a minimum. Now with the added weight, it makes it harder.
Please don't get me wrong, I am ready to make a change! I am tired of being fat, not being able to find clothes that fit...and if they do, they don't look good! I am tired of being tired when my kids want to go out and play. I am now watching my daughter thicken in the middle...and worry about her. I saw a few photos of "MeltingMama and DeflatingDad"...what surprised me the most was the size of her kids...and they are not teens! She changed her deating habits, but not the habits of the kids...something in that senario is wrong!
I know that change is necessary...I am not looking for a way out, sorry if it sounds that way to you, but there has to be a few people on this site that are so scared of the "unknown" they cancel/post-pone their surgery. I have not done that yet. I want to be one of the people who state..."This was the best desicion of my life I have ever made (for myself)".
I was looking for some assurance that life can still be normal, wondering if I needed to contact Dr Pohl and let him know that I didn't start the pre-op diet when told. I did stay on track today...have to make it through the rest of the day. Maybe this is where an "angel" comes in? Have no clue how to find one, but keep looking.
Well, Thank you for your help, opinion, scolding, and love...we are all in this together, that is the only way I could get through.
Hey Ruth,
Your welcome, I was not trying to much to scoled you then let you know we have all been where you are now. I was trying to get you to see that you can do this. I know for me I had to take is slow I could not look at the whole picture at the same time. I had to take it one day at a time. You are right we are all in the jounrey together. Some are father down the road then most and some are just starting out like you are. Being scared is normal. I am glad you had a good day and stood by it today. That is a good 1st step. It would not hurt to call Dr. Pohl but , I think he might be ok with you starting alittle late. You need to talk you know we are all here.
Ruth- your angel is just a friend or someone from the site that can help you through. Hold your hand in the bad times and cheer you on in the good times. They also keep others up to date on you and how you are doing during your surgery.
I agree with what Lisa said. I know it was blunt, but you have to change the thing in your mind that says- "I will never have this again". Change that to- "I can have this again- just not as much, or not so soon". You will be able to eat still- just you will eat to live, NOT live to eat. This is something I am still struggling with on a daily basis. I have to constantly remind myself- nothing tastes as good as skinny feels!! (sorry- filled with all of the OH "lines"- but they are so true)
Please- for your health and safety, do the liquid diet. I have heard horror stories of people waking up in recovery from WLS and thier families bringing them in a pizza or fast food. It really makes me sad that they go through so much just to set themselves up for failure.
I am not saying that is you- actually I admire your courage to come out and say- "hey- I screwed up- help me fix it". It shows you are going in the right direction! Good luck!!!
I agree with what Lisa said. I know it was blunt, but you have to change the thing in your mind that says- "I will never have this again". Change that to- "I can have this again- just not as much, or not so soon". You will be able to eat still- just you will eat to live, NOT live to eat. This is something I am still struggling with on a daily basis. I have to constantly remind myself- nothing tastes as good as skinny feels!! (sorry- filled with all of the OH "lines"- but they are so true)
Please- for your health and safety, do the liquid diet. I have heard horror stories of people waking up in recovery from WLS and thier families bringing them in a pizza or fast food. It really makes me sad that they go through so much just to set themselves up for failure.
I am not saying that is you- actually I admire your courage to come out and say- "hey- I screwed up- help me fix it". It shows you are going in the right direction! Good luck!!!
Ruth ~ Hello. Do you sometimes feel like the forums here are like a confessional booth? An experience that I'm sure is never fun to face.
Something I've learned for sure, even being early on in this process, is whoever said this entire weight loss surgery thing was an easy way out never actually went through it. This is not an easy way out.
It's wrought with emotions and feelings. All those feelings associated with existence as the fat person. The excitement, and touch of anxiety, about becoming the healthier person. The grief of leaving all those foods and eating habits behind which caused us to be those fat people. The creativity of finding new ways to modify our old food favorites and willingness to explore or new favorites. The will power to exercise. And, to get through it all determination. The determination to make it on this journey that is no easy out.
You've been challenged by things before - children, nursing school - and you've come through. You do have the determination. You can make it on this journey.
~ Sandy
Something I've learned for sure, even being early on in this process, is whoever said this entire weight loss surgery thing was an easy way out never actually went through it. This is not an easy way out.
It's wrought with emotions and feelings. All those feelings associated with existence as the fat person. The excitement, and touch of anxiety, about becoming the healthier person. The grief of leaving all those foods and eating habits behind which caused us to be those fat people. The creativity of finding new ways to modify our old food favorites and willingness to explore or new favorites. The will power to exercise. And, to get through it all determination. The determination to make it on this journey that is no easy out.
You've been challenged by things before - children, nursing school - and you've come through. You do have the determination. You can make it on this journey.
~ Sandy
Lisa ~ Hello. Thanks for your post. I'm still early on in this journey and am so thankful for those, like you, who are further on being so willing to share. You share your knowledge, experiences and even give the occasional kick in the butt. All of which are truly priceless as we travel along this sometimes hellish road. ~ Sandy
Hi to all,
I wanted to let you all know that you have been an inspiration to me! I do have to say that it was not easy "listening" to what you had to say, but that it did renew a hope within me. I have been faithfully sticking to the pre-op diet as of has also been going good, so step at a time.
I called Amy T and we talked about WLS, pre and post-op. She was a wonderful help in letting me see for myself the need to follow through with the program that Dr. Pohl has set before us. I know that over the last few years he has tweaked his pre/post op ways...Due to the fact that others who have been in his care in the past have stated that they did not have to follow the diet I was prescribed, they had something different. I called Dr. Pohl's office and asked some questions (a while back) and they stated to follow the diet that I WAS GIVEN. Through time, Dr. Pohl has looked to better himself/technique....but most of all the lives of the patients. (Thank you Dr. Pohl!)
Sometimes being scared is better than being fool-hearted asI go into something without knowing what lurks beneath the waters. CAUTION is the key.
I do believe that I would relate myself to one who rides a bike with training day those training wheels will come off, but for now they are there for the safety of myself and others!
So, as I peddle down this road, I do so slowly, and cautiously...taking one day, one hour, one minute at a time.
Thank you to ALL who have been supportive of all of us who are struggling with our inner demons, but most of all a BIG THANK YOU
to Amy T for agreeing to be my ANGEL through this all. God Bless you! (You will need it!)
See you on Thursday!
I wanted to let you all know that you have been an inspiration to me! I do have to say that it was not easy "listening" to what you had to say, but that it did renew a hope within me. I have been faithfully sticking to the pre-op diet as of has also been going good, so step at a time.
I called Amy T and we talked about WLS, pre and post-op. She was a wonderful help in letting me see for myself the need to follow through with the program that Dr. Pohl has set before us. I know that over the last few years he has tweaked his pre/post op ways...Due to the fact that others who have been in his care in the past have stated that they did not have to follow the diet I was prescribed, they had something different. I called Dr. Pohl's office and asked some questions (a while back) and they stated to follow the diet that I WAS GIVEN. Through time, Dr. Pohl has looked to better himself/technique....but most of all the lives of the patients. (Thank you Dr. Pohl!)
Sometimes being scared is better than being fool-hearted asI go into something without knowing what lurks beneath the waters. CAUTION is the key.
I do believe that I would relate myself to one who rides a bike with training day those training wheels will come off, but for now they are there for the safety of myself and others!
So, as I peddle down this road, I do so slowly, and cautiously...taking one day, one hour, one minute at a time.
Thank you to ALL who have been supportive of all of us who are struggling with our inner demons, but most of all a BIG THANK YOU

See you on Thursday!