Sorry I've been MIA...
Hi Everyone!
I have been super busy since the kids went back to school (Aidan started kindergarten and Ava is in preschool 3 mornings a week!) and there has been a lot of upheaval at work since we were bought out by a new company. I know...excuses, excuses...but I just wanted to say I'm thinking of everyone and sending out good thoughts even though I don't have time to respond to many posts these days.
We have our big ultrasound tomorrow - cross your fingers the little one is not too modest and wants to show us boy parts or girl parts!!
Take care,

When you get older, you realize it's a lot less about your place in the world but your place in you. It's not how everyone views you, but how you view yourself. - Natalie Portman
Well Hello Beautiful Mama!
I'm so happy to hear from you! How are you feeling? The kids must be so excited to go back to school, huh? Is Aiden in full-day kindergarten? I've heard Rhode Island is planning to have all the schools go to full-day kindie and some cities have already started.
How's Ava doing with preschool? I bet she's made lots of new friends and comes home talking and yappin' about her morning! How exciting!
THE Ultrasound tomorrow! Yippee! I'll keep my fingers crossed that his/her legs AREN'T crossed!
Will you be going to Angela's Saturday? I'd love to see you!
Have a wonderful Sunday!
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