Hello All
Hi it is me Lisa and Not Chip the jokeer. lol.... I just wanted to say Thanks for all the kind words and prayers. I am home from rehab and getting homecare. My nurse , p.t. come here to see me. I am tired and in some pain ok in a lot of pain but working my way . One day at a time. Chip has been Great. I like to give a special thanks to Julie You are the best. They should have more people in this world like you. Not that all of you all are great. Because you are. Well this is my time for the pc not it is over . Short but at least I got alittle time to say THANK YOU ALL LOVE YOU ALL>>

Lisa ~ You're home and surgery is over....must feel good to have those steps out of the way. Was sorry to hear you had a negative experience at rehab, you certainly didn't need to deal with that after just having surgery. But now you'll have your PT work-out at home and all will be good now. Heal well! ~ Sandy
Well, there you have it.
You and Vicky had to make me cry didn't you!!!
Like attracts Like!
The wonderful people here are the Core of my journey! You two ladies are very special to me.
See you Thursday Lee!
Talk to you tomorrow Vicky!
Love you both!
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