Did anyone have trouble with their psych evaluation/PCP?
Have anyone of you had a problem with the psych eval? Was everyone easily approved?
Also did any of you have problems with you're PCP and him or her agreeing to let you go through with the surgery?
I saw a psychologist for about 10 yrs when I lived in Nashville. When it came time for me to see someone here, I did not see the ones in that large practice, I went to a different one on the East Side. I discussed my previous time in therapy with him. I didn't have any trouble being approved by him, but in all honesty, if there was a psychological issue with me being approved for surgery, I would want to know it before the surgery. This is a life changing event and some people don't cope well. On the other hand, I recently went to Nashville on a visit, and spent an hour with my therapist. I told her about the surgery and knowing me, she was definitely in my corner. Good luck getting the appt. Maybe if they won't let you see someone else, you can re-visit the doc you saw, and he/she can give you the referral?
These are professionals. This is their business to know if someone has gotten past a traumatic event, and moved on in their lives to the point where WLS is a completely different ball game.
As for my PCP, when I told him I was considering the surgery, he told me which surgeon he recommended, and told me to get it done before my health got worse due to obesity related issues. That is just my experience.
When you get older, you realize it's a lot less about your place in the world but your place in you. It's not how everyone views you, but how you view yourself. - Natalie Portman
I didn't see anyone on the suggested list. I see a counselor on a regular basis but because she doesn't 'specialize' in Gastric Bypass Evaluations, I saw another person for that.
Your former doc has to give approval to release you to someone else in the practice, mainly because no one likes another doc stealing their patients.
You can, personally, request a different doc for this if you are not comfy with your former doc. Even if he isn't okay with transferring you and even if HE specializes in GBP Evals and you don't want to see him.
If there IS a problem, you can choose someone else completely separate from that practice as long as it's someone who DOES do the GBP Evals.
As far as my PCP, she is the one who suggested this to begin with. She worked side-by-side with me throughout the whole process including getting in all my referrals. She is still very supportive.
Good luck to you!
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the psych I saw for the evaluation didn't even talk to me, she was just interested in my past depression, when I told her i was not the same as back when I started seeing my psych. (he never even talked to me)
I could go on and on but I KNOW I WASN'T TREATED FAIRLY AT ALL
I'm having trouble.
my psychiatrist is in the same office as the one who is evaluating me for the surgery.
She told me the same thing about pulling my records. I only saw my psyh maybe six time and that was only for like 10-15 minutes. He never even tried to find out about my depression or anything.
now I have to go to support groups before I can be approved. I find it to be just a big run a round and they want me to jump through hoops.
how did you make out
I had the same problem with the psychiatrist that Dr. G's office referred me to.
I had the same exact problem. Now they want me to go to a support groupi at the same office, and the clinition who runs it is the one who decides if I get approved.
If you don't mind me asking, who was the psychiatrist you saw prior to Dr. G's recomendation?
also, what happend since then, was it resolved? Did you get to see another psychiatrist?
I am very interested to find out, maybe it will help me with my situation