Hey Chip,
Great Job! Lisa will be proud of you when she sees you're updating! You should have offered a turkey too!
I just got off the phone with Lisa. She is still in recovery (@ 8:20 PM) and waiting for a room.
She's in a lot of pain but handling it well. She sounds positive and is looking forward to her post-op recovery period being behind her.
She'll be up and movin' before we know it!
Tomorrow she starts the grueling physical therapy for 3 - 5 hours a day! I hope her physical therapist isn't beastly! Aaaargh! I'll have to pounce on him/her!
Know what I mean?
Chip and/or I will keep you posted!
For Info about Rhode Island Support Groups, please email me! [email protected]
More updates in the original post below this one too!
Lisa says hello!
For Info about Rhode Island Support Groups, please email me! [email protected]