Exercise buddy wanted
Looking for an exercise buddy -- how about you? I belong to the gym in Garden City -- used to be Planet Fitness, was briefly something else, now I notice they've changed names again. My prime time is very early mornings. Love the recumbent bike, can develop some stamina for the elliptical, and very much like free weights.

Includes 47.5 lbs. lost during 7 month pre-op period

Includes 47.5 lbs. lost during 7 month pre-op period
When I worked I went that early too, but now I am an at-home-Mom, and I get my son off to school before I go, which is why I go later. Last yr I had a workout partner, but she pooped out on me in the spring. I am hoping she will also be back int he swing of it soon. Might be interested in meeting you on the weekends after Oct. Getting my surgery in a couple of weeks. But I have a torn roator cuff and may be looking at surgery for that once I heal up from WLS. So I am having to put my upper body weight workouts with my trainer on hold for now, and only can do cardio. i like the eliptical and treadmill...I also like to walk outside when it's nice.Cranston West track, Meshantict Lake, or Brayton Park.
When you get older, you realize it's a lot less about your place in the world but your place in you. It's not how everyone views you, but how you view yourself. - Natalie Portman