Stress Week

I can understand why you are nervous, that's to be expected. You have done such a great job this far - it's not over yet! Remember, its a tool and its all about how you make it work for you. Whether or not you have to take a break now from exercising - you can always pick up right where you left off after your hip surgery. Unfortunately, it's something you have to do so I guess the most I can say is make the best of it. While you can't walk keep working your arms and upper body - at least that will keep you in the exercise groove!
Your surgery will go perfectly fine! Stay positive.
I love your idea of the signs on the fridge - whatever works right?
I will be thinking of you and praying for you for a speedy recovery from your surgery - best of luck to you!
I think we will have to have each other on instant messenger to keep each other out of trouble!!
good luck with your surgery!! Just remember all the trouble you are having walking now- how incredible it will be after!!!
My messagers are msn which is lisarenee14 if you have msn messager
My aol messager is RIsweetie64
My yahoo is Rilisasweeetie
if anyone has the messager ad me.
Hey Lee,
I completely understand the fears of surgery. My cousin, Terry, who had the total hip replacement, just did a 14 hour bike marathon!!!!
Good things happen. Just takes time, patience and will power helps too.
I love the Fridge sign idea. I love, love, love it! Good Girl!
Which hospital will you be in and how long will you be there for? Want company?
Spill your guts here any time! We are all used to guts here! Hee hee hee.
You've come so far! If you had this surgery 109 lbs ago, I'd say you had more of a chance of complications and not being able to walk again. But look at you!!!!! I know you hate to hear it,'ll be fine!
Before you know it, you'll be on the other side of your surgery, doing your physical therapy and losing more weight and feeling absolutely fabulous! And you will have a story to share that will inspire others in the future who will have a similar hurdle!
For Info about Rhode Island Support Groups, please email me! [email protected]
One of the thing I said I wanted to take up starting this spring was biking. Maybe i can work up to 14 hour bike marathon. Well maybe 10 hours lol.
I am gonna be in mirriam I should be there the 3rd, 4th, 5th 6th and maybe the 7th, I would love company just not the 3rd for I will be out of it and or sick. Happen when I wake up from surgery. So anyone want to come see me I would love it. I get so bored when in the hospital.
I will be at the support group tomorrow night. at roger williams. I figure my last one for at least a month. to two.
Thanks again for your pep talk. I needed to hear that. I think your amazing too