Hey Kim,
Hang in there I know it is hard. To me that was the hardest part I had to do. If your getting headache I would call the Doctor and see if they will change the diet a little for you. They might have too. Just remember it is ok to vent. Here is a good place to vent. We all share the same story so to speak.
Hang in there I know it is hard. To me that was the hardest part I had to do. If your getting headache I would call the Doctor and see if they will change the diet a little for you. They might have too. Just remember it is ok to vent. Here is a good place to vent. We all share the same story so to speak.

Hi Kim,
Listen, I also have Dr. Giovanni and this Thursday will be my 1 year surgervary. You are 2 weeks away from living the most amazing life! All the doctor wants is to have you stick to the diet as best as you can. But you need to make an honest effort. Of course your going to wouldn't need wls if it wasn't a struggle. Just don't over do it if you do cheat. Trust me the changes you will experience in every aspect of your life post op will make a 2 week liquid diet look so amazingly easy. Keep your head up...keep your objectives present in your mind. When you start to consider cheating on the diet, imagine yourself in a size 16...then 12...maybe even an 8 or unexpectedly in a size 6 because before you know it, it will be your reality!
Good luck, Landa
Listen, I also have Dr. Giovanni and this Thursday will be my 1 year surgervary. You are 2 weeks away from living the most amazing life! All the doctor wants is to have you stick to the diet as best as you can. But you need to make an honest effort. Of course your going to wouldn't need wls if it wasn't a struggle. Just don't over do it if you do cheat. Trust me the changes you will experience in every aspect of your life post op will make a 2 week liquid diet look so amazingly easy. Keep your head up...keep your objectives present in your mind. When you start to consider cheating on the diet, imagine yourself in a size 16...then 12...maybe even an 8 or unexpectedly in a size 6 because before you know it, it will be your reality!
Good luck, Landa
Also, talk to your nutritionist! I stuck to my pre-op diet to a T, but she told me after that there were a few more things that I could have had and that I should have been taking in a bit more protein--at least one more shake per day than I had had. Maybe she can give you some strategies to pull you through. Good luck! It will be worth it in the end!