Brown bag lunch ideas

on 8/7/08 2:27 am - RI
Hi everyone, I was thinking on the lines of what Marie was saying about posting what we eat.  I will be going back to work in a few weeks - my vacation is coming to an end anyway, I'm not sure what to bring to eat for lunch and snacks.  I've had two fills.  By the time I go back to school I'm sure I'll have fill #3 because I know I need it.  Right now I can eat just about anything and almost as much as before.  For breakfast, I either bring a weight control oatmeal or a Proti bar with yogurt and a smidgen of kashi go lean for crunch.  I will be trying Eggface's breakfast bites as well - figure I'll make up a batch and freeze them.  Any lunch and snack ideas will be appreciated.

Also, those Oh yeah wafers..............I was checking the calories:
Total Calories 210     
     Calories From Fat 117     
  Total Fat 13  g 20%   
     Saturated Fat g 30%   
     Trans Fat g  
  Cholesterol mg 1%   
  Sodium 130  mg 5%   
  Total Carbohydrates g 3%   
     Dietary Fiber g 8%   
     Sugars g  
  Show Net Carbs Net Carbs
Minus Fiber
  Protein 14  g 28%
OOps, oh well - anyway - is that too many calories for a mid-afternoon or mid-morning snack?  I know I won't be able to eat just one if they are as good as some say they are.  THanks!
Laura B.
on 8/7/08 3:20 am - RI
Some things that I rely on that travel well are:

-string cheese
-lunchmeat roll-ups
-cold shrimp w/ ****tail sauce
-SF Pudding
-protein bars

Hope this helps!

on 8/7/08 3:34 am - RI
Thanks, Laura - I'm hoping for some restriction so things such as you suggested will satisfy me.  Hope to see you soon!  jules
Julie Nolan
on 8/7/08 7:40 am - RI

Hi Jule!

I'd venture to guess that the amount of calories you consume at snack time(s) depend upon how many calories you're allowed per day. If you're on a 1,200 cal a day diet, then I would say yes, too much if you're doing 3 meals a day and 3 snacks a day. Kind of like, where do you want to spend the bulk of your calorie intake? Snacks or meals or divide it all evenly? You know?

Are you still seeing a NUT? A nutritionist will help a lot.

I miss you!



For Info about Rhode Island Support Groups, please email me!  [email protected]

on 8/8/08 12:50 am - RI

Hi Jules!  I miss you, too!  You're right about the calorie thing - where I want to spend the calories.  I did make an appointment with a nut and I see her next week.  I've been collecting recipes I like from Eggface and I'm going to bring them to her.  My husband said that he thinks I shouldn't be eating or cooking differently because with the band what I eat gets absorbed normally.  I basically cooked healthy before, just ate too much of everything.  I still want to see what the nut has to say.  Talk to you later!  Jules

on 8/7/08 9:56 am - Cranston, RI
Hey Jules, I bring lunch to work every day. I buy the small packages of tuna or the canned ones. They come in a lunch kit with low-fat mayo and crackers. Sometimes I have the crackers, sometimes not. They are the perfect size with no measuring. Also I buy the hormel complete dinners. They have a few that are low-cal/fat. But read the labels carefully!
I always have a protein bar,raw almonds or string cheese... 'cuz sometimes I just dont feel like having a meal. I try to keep carrots and/or celery for munching.. 'cuz again.. sometimes I need to have a mid-morn snack or something to crunch! I also make my own trail mixes. I buy soy nuts, raw almonds, rice crackers, and then I switch it up by adding either dried mango or apricot.. or choc covered soy nuts.. or plain/yogurt raisins. I like the variety. I have also had the choc craving from time to time and will add about 10 choc chips to a baggie of mix. Just have fun and be creative. Have Fun!!  


on 8/7/08 10:59 pm - Middletown, RI
I usually pack my lunch, but there is also a cafeteria here at work. I do a lot of salad with chicken.  What works best for me is if I buy the prepared chicken and do the beginnings of a salad.  I put roasted red peppers and the chicken, sometimes a sprinkling of Gorgonzola cheese or a couple of Kalamata olives to spruce it up, and I put my own fat free dressing in the bowl.  I then get the basic salad fixings from the salad bar to add to it.  I also do Yogurt with cut up fruit (mango is my favorite, or sometimes some raisins and almonds), sometimes I make a sandwich on 1/2 of a LF wrap or a whole wheat small Pita to change it up.  For snacks I use melba crackers and low fat cheese or a piece of fruit or some soy crisps.  My doc told me I should be shooting for 800 calories a day, but that's really hard.  I think I rarely do that, but I'm not good about counting calories.  I check labels and make sure I'm making good choices, but I don't really keep close track.  The easier I make it, the better I will stick to it.
on 8/8/08 1:02 am - RI
Hi Jayne, thank you for your reply.  In the beginning, after surgery once I was on food, a half of sandwich was doing it for me.  Now, it doesn't.  How many fills have you had?  Are you satisfied and not dwelling on eating and food after a half sandwich?  I'm hoping for this.  It's why I had the surgery and I'm feeling discouraged.  I've had two fills.  I'll see Dr Giovanni in a few weeks and I'm pretty certain she'll be giving me a fill.  Thanks for you response!  I appreciate all ideas!  Jules
on 8/8/08 12:53 am - RI
on 8/8/08 12:58 am - RI
Hi Tammy, thanks for your suggestions!  I never thought about the tuna thing and I do like tuna.  I also will check out the Hormel complete dinners.  I may try your trail mix, too.  I perked up when I read "chocolate covered".  I'll eat anything that is chocolate covered!  Thanks again!  Jules
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