Yes it is really me Diana. I want to first say I am sorry that I ve not been around, I have a lot of personal things with my family going on and work has been NUTS!!! I skim quickly throught the posts and I want to say HI to all Nubies and everyone is doing soooo AWSOME!!!!! It was nice seeing you all at the meeting!!! S now to my support AHHHHH I submited my paperwork to have plastics approved by insurance. hope fully third time is a charm this is the third time will be submiting. For those of you who do not know I am 3 1/2 years out I started at 240lbs and I am now done to 204. I have degenerative disc problems in my back and they have gotten worse since the surgery as all my extra skin is in my thighs stomach and chest so my doctors suggested due to the medical issues that I should try to get the plastics covered. SO please say a prayer

I will add you in my prays here. I just had the surgery in april and already lost 95lbs What I am afraid of is the extra skin. I was working out 3x week but had to stop do to I broke a peace of bone off my hip and have to go for a hip replacement in a couple weeks. Now I am scared that i might not get the skin tight enough. I really hope you get what you need because I hear what your saying about the disc and stuff . With me it was my hip.
Take care,
Good Morning Diana,
I was wondering what happend to you.
Yes I will say a prayer/wish for you to get your plastics covered. With all that weight off, I can only imagine how the extra skin is affecting you. I only lost 115 lbs and I see the extra skin on my arms and stomach hanging. It doesnt really affect me physcially, only that it's sort of ugly to look at. I know I could never get insurance to cover it. But for you, it's very different. Will say a novena for you. A prayer to St. Anne. Take care...
Carol B
Hey Diana!
It was so great seeing you and your mom at the meeting. It's the only time I get to see you.
You look Awesome!!!
I have been keeping my fingers crossed that you are approved for your surgery. I know about degenerative disc disease, as I have it in my cervical and lumbar spine. It's very painful.
Just remember, though, if you are not approved, keep trying!
Because.....YOU, my Dear, are LOVABLE, CAPABLE & WORTH IT!
Love you!
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