I'm going back to school!!!
Not only do I have a beautiful Angel
You've been back and forth with this for a while and
I'm really proud of you for taking that elephant by the ear!
One bite at a time, right?
Good job!!
I'm so glad the Miriam and the RW support groups are this week! I miss everyone!
I love you Lady Laura!
For Info about Rhode Island Support Groups, please email me! [email protected]
You came to the right place!! I got married at 19, had my first son on my 21st birthday and had three more in the next three years. School was out! I too love further my education so I finally completed by Associates at CCRI in 2002 in Early Childhood Ed. I am and always have been, a "kid person!" I then went on to URI and will be student teaching this fall and FINALLY finishing my Bachelors degree in Early Childhood Education. I'll be certified to teach Pre-K to grade 2 and can't wait!!
Ask your advisor to take the test that points out your strong career points and that will give you some direction. I can't remember what the test is called but it's an eye opener sometimes. I also love English and languages so to start, I would suggest taking something you know you enjoy to get back in the swing of things. CCRI is the best! You made a great choice. Good luck!
You came to the right place!! I got married at 19, had my first son on my 21st birthday and had three more in the next three years. School was out! I too love further my education so I finally completed by Associates at CCRI in 2002 in Early Childhood Ed. I am and always have been, a "kid person!" I then went on to URI and will be student teaching this fall and FINALLY finishing my Bachelors degree in Early Childhood Education. I'll be certified to teach Pre-K to grade 2 and can't wait!!
Ask your advisor to take the test that points out your strong career points and that will give you some direction. I can't remember what the test is called but it's an eye opener sometimes. I also love English and languages so to start, I would suggest taking something you know you enjoy to get back in the swing of things. CCRI is the best! You made a great choice. Good luck!