Having a Good Day!
I had my third fill yesterday, and I think this may be the honey spot! I'm really feeling the effects of this for the first time. I have been sticking with it, but it had been harder than I expected. I mostly felt like I was dieting on my own. Also, I had been at a standstill with my weight for about 2 weeks and then had a big drop yesterday. I know that's how I lose weight, but it is still so discouraging. I officially passed my halfway mark! Things are looking up! Now I'm out the door for a week vacation! Life is Good. Take care all!
Hi Jayne,
Congrats on finding your 'sweet spot'! And....being half way there! That's awesome!
I do the same thing with my weight loss. I won't see anything for a while or I'll see the ups and downs then....BOOM....a good loss!
It's a good thing that you recognize this. Hats off to you!
Have a wonderful vacation!
Stay safe, keep cool, see you when you get back!
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