how does the process work??
Hi Jo,
I have not had my surgery yet, but the way I did it was to find a surgeon first. My surgeon required me to attend a WLS Seminar at Roger Williams Hosp before I could even schedule my first appt with him. During the Seminar, he handed out a list of pre-surgical tests and procedures needed, which I completed prior to my first visit with him...all except the endoscopy (his office handles the referral of that one). Once the tests were done, I saw him, and the next step is the insurance approval. Once I get that (in the next two weeks I am hoping), I will see him again, hopefully get a date, start his pre-surgical 2-wk diet and then have the surgery. I am having lap band, but I think the procedure is the same for RNY patients of this doc. Other people have had different experiences with different docs, so hopefully others will tell you about their processes as well. Good luck, and welcome to the board. Everyone is great about answering questions and supporting you in your journey. Cara
When you get older, you realize it's a lot less about your place in the world but your place in you. It's not how everyone views you, but how you view yourself. - Natalie Portman
Hi Jo,
I actually began my process on Valentine's Day when I attended the seminar at Roger Williams. Julie and I attended the same nite. She just had her surgery in June, I am still waiting because I found out in April that my insurance carrier required me to do a 3 month supervised behavoir modificiation program whi*****luded nutrition counseling as well as documented exercise. I thought that sucked at the time, because I had already been consistantly working out since last October, and actually began logging my exercise in February of '08. But once I got to working with the nutritionist and fitness trainer, I felt like I was getting some valuable lessons that I could use once I had my surgery. And as of today, I have actually completed my 3 months. I delivered the trainer letter and documentation of my workouts to Dr. Pohl's office today, and I hope to hear something by the end of the month about whether or not I have been approved. At this point, it is in the hands of the powers that be. I certainly anticipated that my surgery would have also been scheduled for June, same as Julie, but we have different insurance carriers, and that makes one hellova difference in the grand scheme of things. I will say this: I did complete all of my pre-surgical testing prior to seeing Dr Pohl for my first visit, which was the end of April. It took 2 months for me to get in to see him for that. Once I saw him, I was able to get my endoscopy scheduled and now all that remains for me is the insurance approval and the surgery date. My hope is to have surgery in August, preferably before my son goes back to school on Aug 26. I'll be posting when I get the approval and date. Seems like it has been a long ride, and you are getting a good jump on things!! In the big picture, it has only been 5 months at the most for me...not really that long for something so life changing. I wish you the best of luck in your process!! Feel free to ask other questions if you have them.
When you get older, you realize it's a lot less about your place in the world but your place in you. It's not how everyone views you, but how you view yourself. - Natalie Portman
I menioned it to my PCP and she told me she didn't know much about it but felt I wouldn't qualify. I didn't let that worry me. I picked a surgeon, booked my appointment and waited. Once I saw my surgeon...everything started from there. Your PCP isn't the one that will be doing the leg work. You'll need referrals and maybe some info from your chart but the PCP can't deny you that.
Hi Jo,
Welcome to our Forum! Glad you're here!
Hopefully you get the answers you're looking for here. Check out some of our profiles. You will see that some of us have posted our journeys right from the beginning. To include all our pre-op requirements!
I wish you the best!
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