It was great meeting all of you!
I finally attended the support group meetings in the area (Miriam and RW) and met many of you. Thanks for you support and wonderful, inspiring stories. I already felt like I knew many of you from reading and posting on the board. As it has been said, it was great putting a face to a voice on the board. It was wonderful seeing some old friends of mine from last summer, Landa and Krista. You both look amazing! People that have not gone through what we have, lapband or gastric bypass, really have no idea about the range of emotions, the ups, the downs, and fears that others may see as irrational. Over the past two meetings I learned many things and go some great tips. When we were talking about goals, Jules mentioned how she and her husband talk about the best way to eat an elephant. That struck home with me because I have been reluctant to set goals after not coming anywhere close to the goal I set for myself. I had hoped that I would lose 31 pounds by my 50th birthday in June. My birthday came and went and I lost only a few pounds. So, eating that elephant one bite at a time, setting attainable goals, is something I need to work on. Landa and Angela and many others spoke of the importance of exercise. Uggghhh, I have a million excuses but after listening to all of you, I know I can keep making those excuses (though they sound pretty valid in my head!) or just say this is, this has to be a part of my life forever, and try to move more. Other great tips I received were upping the protein through powders and drinks. Thanks for all the great advice! I'm looking forward to seeing everyone again, possibly at the RI hospital meeting July 9th.
hugs to all,