"Tonight, tonight, won't just be any night...." sung to tune of Tonight from West Side...
Okay, I'm goofy. Anyway, I'm doing it. I'm finally committing and following through to attend a support group meeting TONIGHT (thus the song) at Miriam. I'm hoping to get a lot out of this. Some of my very bad habits are returning under stress. I'm waiting for a psychologist to call me back to set up an appt. I need to be redirected. Hope to meet some of you tonight at the support group meeting. Jules
Hey Jules!!!
I'll be there at 6! I'll be the babe with the pink rose cane!
I can't wait to meet you!
See you there!
For Info about Rhode Island Support Groups, please email me! [email protected]
Thanks, Danielle. I think the support group helped. I met Alexa, Julie, and Rob and some other very nice people. We got to try a recipe that I will make at home. I got some good advice and will try out some of it such as drinking a protein drink in between a meal as a snack. I'm just trying to find one I can tolerate. I do no like anything thick unless it is chocolate. I don't like anything grainy. Some people talked about Isopure. Have you tried it?
I will be going to the one Thursday night at RW, too. I'm going to try to do as much as I can this summer to get myself going again.