Hi Just a newbie here!
Hi everyone, i am new here and would like to introduce myself. I am Lynndee. I have been peeking at all the different posts and decided its about time I made myself known. I went to the seminar for the lap band. I have my first appointment with the surgeon on July 28. Meanwhile, I am trying to get everything else in order ( tests and all). But I am really nervous about this and your posts and comments have been a great help. Just wanted you to know that. I have updated my site, so feel free to browse. I hope we get to know each other!
Hi LynnDee!
Welcome to your new home-away-from-home! I, personally, don't know where I would be without the wonderful, caring people on this Forum. I have met so many of them and can't imagine my life without them now.
There are several support groups in RI (even one at Kent). Feel free to to go any and all of them no matter who your doctor is and what hospital you choose. We are all here with and for each other!
Hope to meet you soon!
For Info about Rhode Island Support Groups, please email me! [email protected]