Pre-surgical testing..... (not for the faint hearted)
Well, I'm finally starting to feel like things are starting to roll here.....
I went for my consultation with Dr. Sax on 5/23 and left there feeling a little confused. I kind of felt like he summarily dismissed me without allowing me to ask any questions of him.. he did all of the asking. I think it was partially because (his words) I am a "complicated case" and he needs some time to think about the best way to approach this for me. The complication arises from a prior DVT episode I had 2 1/2 yrs ago. I had had bunion surgery which ultimately caused a DVT with PE resulting in 200+ PE in my lungs, a 7" blood clot lodged in a hole in my heart that I never knew I had (resulting in open heart surgery to remove it and to close up the hole) and a blood clot lodging in a toe on my right foot causing that toe to become gangrenous and have to be amputated. 2005 was not my year.......
So anyway, I got a call from Dr. Sax's office Wed telling me that I would be receiving phone calls from various dr offices setting up my tests.... and boy oh boy did the calls start coming in!! I should be finished with all testing by 7/21! Woo hoo!! I go for my first test next Monday... a venous ultrasound (because of my DVT history). I may have a few more tests to have to go through than the average... but that's ok with me. I'd rather know I'm healthy enough to undergo this surgery, than have something unexpected happen again. I know there are always risks, but let's rule out the obvious ones...... right?
You'll be seeing more of me around here now that I feel like part of the crowd...
See ya!