Home and doing ok
Hi guys. First just wanted to thank you all for the amazing support and friendship I have received here. Thank you sooooo much.
I got home yesterday about 2:00 and have slept most of the time since then. I'm feeling pretty good, except for a sore throat and head and neck aches (I think I've been laying down too much)! I stopped taking the pain meds beucase it was making me nauzeous and I am so afriad that I will vomit. I'm thinking about crushing up some good old Advil because I am a little achey.
I kind of afriad to eat and drink too, but I am trying. I've had about 4 oz of watered down juice, 1/4 cup of jello and about 16 oz of water so far. I had some discomfort after the jello so I'm a little paranoid now.
Thanks again to all for your support!