Reminder! Next weekend is the Unofficial RI OH Gathering!
Hi everyone...Just a reminder that next Saturday is the unofficial RI OH gathering for May. (sorry its so late in the month this time)
Remember, we're starting earlier this month to take advantage of the nice weather. So we'll get started at 3 instead of 5, but if you cant be here for 3 thats ok..join us when you can.
As usual, I'll be cooking up some WLS friendly foods and we'll definately be taking advantage of the grill this month! Laura and Joe will be here and we can always count on them to make things fun,Donnie is bringing some of the yummy looking peanut butter cookies he's posted, we'll have karaoke, we're working on the medial ID bracelets again, and we're going to take lots of pictures of Jules in her last days before surgery! SO many things and so many great people so we hope you'll come and join us!
As always, feel free to bring anyone you like with you. Guy of course will be here, and the kids will be here too.
If you need my contact info, just let me know...
Hope to see you Saturday!!
Hi Angela! Thanks for your phone call yesterday. I really think it helped me make wiser choices when I was at the wedding. I will definitely be there Saturday. Please, let me bring something! I will bring ALL my beading and tools with me this time. We'll have a successful bracelet making time! I'm looking forward to seeing everyone! I can bring a fresh veggie platter if you want! Please let me know, k? Jules
For Info about Rhode Island Support Groups, please email me! [email protected]