RW Meeting
HI Marie... the next meeting at RW is the 22nd at 6pm. Once you walk in..just follow the signs. I like going to the meetings. There infolmal and informative..usually a nice turn out too. Everyone shares stories, likes, dislikes, ideas. Its a nice group. Lots of people from OH go there too... so you will get to meet a few. I dont get to go as often as I would like.. but I should be there this month.. hope to see you there.
The meeting goes from 6-7:30, starts and ends promptly, but afterwards, everyone usually hangs around and chit chats. I enjoy the mtgs, and love seeing everyone. I agree with Tammy, it is a great place to learn things from other folks. I have learned a lot there.
When you get older, you realize it's a lot less about your place in the world but your place in you. It's not how everyone views you, but how you view yourself. - Natalie Portman
Thanks for the information! I actually have my appt with Dr Ryder on the 22nd and am hoping, so hoping, to get my surgery date then! I would love to go to the meeting! I'll try my best to be there! I will have to GPS my way there since I don't even know what town RW is in!
Thanks again and I hope to see some of you!