Mays Unofficial RI OH gathering!
Sorry being so late, but I'm finally getting back into the groove of things and I'm posting the info for Mays unofficial OH RI gathering.
The gathering this month is going to be late..Sorry everyone!
We're going to have it on May 31 and this time we're going to start earlier! The weather is finally getting nicer, and we can grill and spend time outside. How about we start at 3pm this time??
As always, everyone is welcome and bring your husbands, wives, signifigant other, kids, friend...whoever! I only ask you give me an idea of how many people you're bringing so I can plan accordingly.
Of course, there will be food (all WLS friendly), we'll finish up the bracelets (or make them for those who havent started yet), there will be Wii Karaoke, and we'll all just have a great time!
If you dont have my address or contact info, Email me or post and we'll get you all set up.
Hope to see everyone there!!!
John won't be able to make it but I'll be there! Hopefully, it'll only be a few days before my sugery! I will hold off my din-din and eat there for my "sensible dinner". I will be bringing ALL my beading stuff with me this time! John was able to find all my stuff (he's a great man). We'll be ready to roll! Let me know if you want me to bring my son's Karoake machine and CD's. He said we can borrow them. Would anyone mind if I bring my Tupperware kit with me and give a little Tup demo outside or on the side? No offense taken if you don't want to. K? I can't wait to see you all!!!! Jules
For Info about Rhode Island Support Groups, please email me! [email protected]